LiE's Diet and Training Thread

OK so chest/triceps went pretty well.

Bench Press looked like this


Then did some cable flyes and some tricep work.

Think I may have noticed why my deadlift is causing my lower back to get pretty pumped. Since I've been focusing on form quite a bit recently I've slowed down the reps a lot, meaning I'm holding the weight for longer while lowering rather than getting down on the floor fast. Will have to play about with this tomorrow.
Yeah I pretty much drop the weight. Not relevant for everyone, but for me the negative is just extra injury risk and unnecessary work,

Strong drips
Maybe that's one reason i always feel such a lower back pump, i go down quite slowly. I'll start lowering it faster and get shouted at by the old women for slamming the weights :D
Tonight I got quite bothered by the poor deadlifts going on. 2 groups of guys both pretty strong and big, but the deadlift was so wrong I had to fight the urge to say something. First group bounced the weight so hard off the floor between reps, and was using all lower back. Then I hear them talk about doing it bare foot so they can get a better stance... I wish people would take a minute to think, I mean do they even know why it it's called a DEAD lift, not a bounce lift.

The other group of guys were strapping, calking, belt and all, rowing the entire weight with the back. Don't know why it bothers me so much, but when I see such bad form and they keep increasing the weight I feel like saying something.

One last thing that bothers me is how common it is for people to do the squat wrong. To me it looks like they are a dog going for a ****! I guess it keeps the weight on the quads...
Anabolic pizza for dinner tonight, pretty carb heavy but plenty of protein and fats. These slices are about 500kcals.

I wish, Dr Oetker ;) (
Being strict is fine to a point, I tried it many years ago but I just got burnt out and bored too quickly. Dinner is whatever I want to eat within reason, I don't eat massive portions. If you know dinner will roughly be a certain amount of macros you can tailor the food in the day to work well with it. For example if you eat carb heavy meals for dinner you can drop some carbs in the day to balance.
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The water intake increase as I get more into the diet. I'd say I'm doing about 3 litres of fluids a day, remember we get a lot of water from food :)
I only have a 750ml bottle during workout...Depends on what day and how I'm feeling whether or not I drink it all during the workout...Otherwise i'll finish it afterwards while going to the car etc.

During the 'day' i'll have four pints or so...depending on workload. I'll have more in the evening and one at least in the morning.
Totalling my water up looks like this.
1500ml between 9am - 4pm
300ml for pre-workout purple wraath
200ml for pre-workout white flood
700ml for intra-workout purple wraath
300ml for post-workout recovery xs
400ml evening drinks
total: 3400ml

Milk wise
200ml in porridge
500ml in shake
300ml in shake
total: 1000ml

So a total of 4.4ltrs of fluids a day.
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