LiE's Diet and Training Thread

Kinda. It's to do it with the best form possible without deviating too far from a strong position. For example your hips may come up higher but your back is tight and flat. If your back rounded then that wouldn't be acceptable. ice explains it better a few posts back.
Fired off an email to the BDFPA divisional representative to see how I can join and get involved :)
I think I've figured out what I was doing wrong with Military Press. Going to get a quick video tonight with the change in form and see what you think of the improvement.
OK so here's how the deadlifts break down.
Warm-up: 77.5x5, 97.5x5, 117.5x3
Prep: 145x5, 165x3, 185x1.
Rep max: 200, 225.

I think that will be OK. Plenty of warm up to build confidence and get fired up. 185 will be easy, 200 should be OK, then 225 will be the big lift.

I plan to wear my belt for all reps because I'm not getting enough time using it.
imo drop one of those warmup sets and go halfway between do something like
80x5 110x5 then to your working sets :)

with good stretching you should be fine to dive in at those weights, and you wont sap to much energy before the big lifts :D
Video that 225, I want to see it in all it's glory!

Will start DLing myself soon enough, was at 190kg before need to see what the physio reccomends about this bloody upper trapezius. Urgh.

I've had intermittent breaks from DL'ing in the past, and find that there is minimal strength loss with this lift, might just be me though. Not that it's a bad thing!!!
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LiE, I can't remember what you have planned in the way of competitions but just in case you are interested I got this email today:

"Dear Powerlifter,

You are invited to compete in the East Midlands Bench Press Championship 2012 on Saturday March 31st in Colchester, Essex.

The competition is open to all GBPF Powerlifters from all Divisions and is split into equipped and unequipped sections so will act as a qualifier for the British Unequipped Bench Press Championship 2012 as well as the British Bench Press Championship 2013.

There will be certificates for all lifters and trophies for the top three places in each weight class as well as an overall Champions trophy for best equipped and unequipped lifters, based on Wilks points.

The competition will be streamed live on the internet and is likely to have a live audience of over 500 Worldwide as well as multiple downloads afterwards.

For more information and to enter online go to . Alternately I have attached an entry form that you can print off, complete, and send with a cheque in the sum of £15.00.

If last year's competition is anything to go by, we should have a great atmosphere and a superb competition."

I was thinking because you are such a bench bunny :p, you might want to check it out :).
Good session :D

Here's how it went down.
77.5x5, 97.5x5, 117.5x3
145x3, 165x2, 185x1
200x1, 225x1, 230xfail, 230x1

200 and 225 went up pretty well. Form isn't amazing, but far from bad I think. The head is still doing it's own thing though (:mad:!). Going to really work on that during deload next week.

First try at 230 didn't happen, so bailed on that rep pretty quickly. 2 minutes later I did the 230 rep in the video :)

Pretty happy overall, it's a new PB for me! Last time I did 220 it was with straps and form wasn't as tight.

Confidence is a bit iffy still hence the dicking about when setting up. Arse is coming up but I think this is always going to happen on such heavy weights.


Syla5 shouting in the video lol
Thanks :)
Think I will need to lacrosse ball the glutes ready for squat 1RM on Friday!
Cheers! It's not too bad if I can get it to my knees. The hardest part of the DL is getting it off the floor imo.
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