LiE's Diet and Training Thread

Mate that rep is so much better than your previous PB, well done! With a bit of practice you'll match that paused.

Squatting tomorrow?
Nice one LiE :) Went up way too easily...I think that program you was on / are on seems to be doing you well.

Regarding your legs, are you keeping them 'tight' and pushing out so to speak? As there was a bit of wobble (which is going to happen at some point)

Out of interest, what would you recommend for myself? Need to get strength up and once I get back in to things I intend to go full on really :)
Thanks ice. Paused reps are something I do need to think about but not really sure how to work it into wendler.

Yup squatting tomorrow, should be able to beat my 172.5, really hoping for 190-200 but I'll see.
Yeah I think to pause the heavier stuff you might have to go on a separate peaking programme, unless you just run one cycle where you pause the first rep of every set.

I've decided I can't face doing Smolov just yet, so I'm going to join you on 531 for a cycle or two to get my head around the idea :D

Good luck for the squats! I'm still stuck on 85%, next week I get to break 200kg :cool:
No news..

I hate you a little bit right now LiE, but I'm also happy for you.

Well done . . . Jerk!


Yeah I think to pause the heavier stuff you might have to go on a separate peaking programme, unless you just run one cycle where you pause the first rep of every set.

I've decided I can't face doing Smolov just yet, so I'm going to join you on 531 for a cycle or two to get my head around the idea :D

Good luck for the squats! I'm still stuck on 85%, next week I get to break 200kg :cool:

Yea there must be a way to do it. Like you said I could set a side bench press from the program and do something else for 1 cycle.
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A bit tensed. You can see a relaxed shot a bit further back with no super down lighting. It's a more modest photo that gives a better idea of my size.
So the final day of my maxes is upon me. Really looking forward to seeing how my strength has come along, my squatting has been really good in the past couple months.
Nicely done LiE, I'll be up there with ya soon enough :D

Can you do me a favour and post your entire routine, or update page 1 with it (assuming it's not the exact same as what's on there)

Just wanna see how we differentiate in our training approach!
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Good stuff Tommy!

I'll put up my routine in a bit, it's 5/3/1 Wendler so will look pretty basic to most.
Monday - Military Press (5/3/1), Shoulder Press Plate Machine, Facepulls superset with reverse flyes

Tuesday - Deadlift (5/3/1), chin ups, seated cable rows.

Thursday - Bench Press (5/3/1), dips, CGBP

Friday - Squat (5/3/1), walking lunges, SLDL

I do 25-30mins of mobility/stretching each session too.
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Nice and simple, yet clearly effective. Nice!

Looking good in the pics mate, just one suggestion, shave those ****ing nipple rings :p
Not the first time I've had that suggestion! Still debating the best way to do it..

Yea the program works well. It's worth bearing in mind my body isn't a result of this training but the years of doing 4 day splits with 4 exercises per body part (or 6 for shoulders!). 5/3/1 is allowing me to tap into some more strength.
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