LiE's Diet and Training Thread

Good leg workout tonight.

60x10, 100x7, 120x6, 130x9, 140x8
60x10, 80x8, 80x8
Leg Press
200x10, 220x10, 240x10
Leg Extension
60x10, 70x10, 80x10
Calf Raises
40x16, 45x15, 45x15
Half Dragon Flags

GHR on the calf raise machine was pretty brutal because it was so high off the ground, Syla5 will attest to this as he had a go. 5 reps was with majority with the push off the floor. Half Dragon flags coming along nicely, not starting quite high enough but holding it pretty well on the negative - deep deep burn.
Overall improved in pretty much every lift tonight :)
Here's a quick video Syla5 took. Was helpful, I adjusted the next sets so that I started more vertical, not that the upright bit is the hard part anyway :p Going to work on these twice a week until I can master them.

20 rep squats sounds pretty painful. The weight would need to be pretty light.
From what I've read of 20 Rep squats, you take a weight that's 'comfortable' but not too light for a working set, and just do 20. ;)

Then add more on the 2nd session of the week...nd cry some more as your adding more weight on for the third session if the week ;)
My weight is all over the place this week, which I'd expect from day to day. Going to stick with the diet for next week and see what my weight does, if I hasn't moved much in the right direction I'll be upping the calories for the following week. My workouts have been quite intense so I don't know if this means I need more calories or it's messing with my body composition.
You were talking about 2nd and 3rd session of the week, when I only have 1 session a week.

Weight is up again today. I'm going to ignore the weekend numbers because food isn't consistent.
Excellent shoulder/triceps workout tonight. I'm off pre-workout supplements this week and I didn't miss it in the gym - I improved on almost all my lifts. Diet has been going well, haven't missed a meal yet which is good for me as I sometimes skip breakfast. Roll on back/core/calves tomorrow, looking forward to doing some more dragon flags.

Thought I would mention that my appetite is higher in the evening when not on pre-workout supplements. Seems the pre-workout stuff has a way of suppressing appetite.
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1) It's fine, makes food more manageable. I can't eat loads in 1 sitting.
2) I find it works best increasing the weight as you go. You'll find as you start with a certain weight it's easier to gauge if you can up the weight. You wouldn't really want to load up your muscles with the heaviest weight first, because on any given day it may be too much and you could drop reps.
Good back session tonight, decided to go heavier on the deadlifts.

82.5x5, 102.5x5, 125x3, 135x5, 155x5, 180x5
Wide pull ups
Strict pull downs
Cable Rows
Dragon Flags
Ab Wheel
Hanging Leg Raises
Calf Raises
1) It's fine, makes food more manageable. I can't eat loads in 1 sitting.
2) I find it works best increasing the weight as you go. You'll find as you start with a certain weight it's easier to gauge if you can up the weight. You wouldn't really want to load up your muscles with the heaviest weight first, because on any given day it may be too much and you could drop reps.


How long have you been training?
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