I'm such a fatty (198lbs)
Maybe that Fish didn't fill you up so much
Poor performance tonight, only managed 7 reps. My grip was bad and kept needing to be reset, and I'm sure the glutes weren't on as much. I'll smash it next week!
You're just big boned!
Get more flexible and spend a week or two doing real deep squats, or do box squats or paused reps. Also get stronger glutes and learn how to use them more efficiently.
I don't think high volume in terms of reps per set is the way forward at all.
Paused and speed are definitely a good idea for bench. for now you could even try doing the first rep of each set paused for a count of 3.
Bands would work more on the top of the rep. Also Anderson squats are good but very hard to do well at the bottom of the squat.
Depends how you use the bands, if you use them from the top of the rack down they have the opposite effect and help you improve drive out of the hole, I'll try and find a link if I can.
This is not the case. As with deadlifts, there is no practical way to overload the bottom position (discounting deficit deads, as that is more about extending the ROM past the bottom position).Depends how you use the bands, if you use them from the top of the rack down they have the opposite effect and help you improve drive out of the hole, I'll try and find a link if I can.