LiE's Diet and Training Thread

Weight is getting pretty beefy for deadlifts.
182.5KG tonight, hoping to smash 10 reps.
Poor performance tonight, only managed 7 reps. My grip was bad and kept needing to be reset, and I'm sure the glutes weren't on as much. I'll smash it next week!
I kinda hate doing deadlifts for so many reps at a high weight, to me it doesn't suit the lift at all. I'd rather do triples at a heavier weight :)
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Some thoughts about my lifts. Would appreciate some input ice.

Bench Press - progress is slow as expected, but I feel like I could benefit from doing some paused reps and speed reps.

Military Press - Strength is coming along nicely with 531, can't think of anything specifically I could work on here.

Deadlift - As mentioned above, I really don't like the + sets for deadlifts. Too much is compromised to hit higher reps. I think I could benefit from doing more sets of lower reps i.e. 200 x 4 x 3.

Squat - Progressing nicely on 531. I would like more power at the bottom. Once I'm out of the whole it's not a problem.
Get more flexible and spend a week or two doing real deep squats, or do box squats or paused reps. Also get stronger glutes and learn how to use them more efficiently.

I don't think high volume in terms of reps per set is the way forward at all.

Paused and speed are definitely a good idea for bench. for now you could even try doing the first rep of each set paused for a count of 3.

Get more flexible and spend a week or two doing real deep squats, or do box squats or paused reps. Also get stronger glutes and learn how to use them more efficiently.

I don't think high volume in terms of reps per set is the way forward at all.

Paused and speed are definitely a good idea for bench. for now you could even try doing the first rep of each set paused for a count of 3.


Thanks Dom.

When you mention high volume are you agreeing with me about too many reps?

I think a piece on paused and speed reps is a good candidate for the new form thread, what do you think?
Also think about band training, they can be used to really focus on different parts of the lift. Squatting with bands can help you focus on powering out of the hole, and also can really help with bench as well. A coup,e of red bands would do you a treat I think.
Bands would work more on the top of the rep. Also Anderson squats are good but very hard to do well at the bottom of the squat.

Depends how you use the bands, if you use them from the top of the rack down they have the opposite effect and help you improve drive out of the hole, I'll try and find a link if I can.
I could definitely use some guidance putting together something around the points we've talked about. Mostly how to structure the reps/sets.
Depends how you use the bands, if you use them from the top of the rack down they have the opposite effect and help you improve drive out of the hole, I'll try and find a link if I can.

I'd not want bands pulling the bar off my back during a squat :p
Depends how you use the bands, if you use them from the top of the rack down they have the opposite effect and help you improve drive out of the hole, I'll try and find a link if I can.
This is not the case. As with deadlifts, there is no practical way to overload the bottom position (discounting deficit deads, as that is more about extending the ROM past the bottom position).
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