LiE's Diet and Training Thread

Legs tonight and I wasn't feeling in the mood for volume squatting, so went a bit heavier. The rest of the workout was volume based and my god I was dying during lunges, but it felt good!


60x10, 80x8, 100x7, 120x6, 140x4, 160x2, 180x1

90x10, 110x10, 110x6 - grip died

Goblet Squat

40x10, 40x10, 40x10

Walking Lunges
(22.5kg each hand)
45x20, 45x18, 45x18

10, 8 (cramp), 10

Seated Calf Raises
35x20, 45x15, 45x20

The 180 squat single, felt pretty tasty.

I find it hard to resist some heavy benching :p

60x11, 80x10, 100x6, 120x4, 130x3, 140x3, 150x1

Incline DB Press
40x9, 45x9, 50x9

15, 15, 14

Cable Crossovers
35x10 x3

BB Curls
30x10, 30x10, 30x8

Incline DB Curls
10x14 x3

Hammer Bar Curls

15x9, 15x9

Leg Mobility.
I might be working in Milton Keynes for a while if I have my way, in which case I suggest we try and get a few sessions in.

Maybe even get Beta involved..........for a massage after we've finished lifting :p
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