LiE's Diet and Training Thread

When are you going?

I did reply to your email, but I'll reply here.

I won't be going today, first day of the freelance job so I'm taking it easy. Will hopefully go Tuesday onwards, just awaiting a reply from DW again to confirm how I would go about getting the months pass...Otherwise I could pop there this evening to get the pass to save time in the evening tomorrow...
Pop down this evening and have a chat, it will also give you an idea how long it takes to get there.
Inspired by the Olympics I decided to stop lifting like a girl and get on with it.

531 Squat

65 x 5
80 x 5
97.5 x 3

105 x 5
122.5 x 5
137.5 x 10 (couple left in the tank)

80 x 10
80 x 10
80 x 10
80 x 10

Was supposed to do 5 sets but conditioning isn't there yet.

Leg Curl
45x10 x5


Yo yoing from program to program isn't great, but I'm at a stage in my training where I'm really not sure of the direction I want to take things. Doing BBB 531 means I get some strength progression and some volume/conditioning too, I clearly need it!
Nice work :)

Took me nearly 30 mins to get over to dw from where I was :( stupid traffic.....tis going to screw my evenings up somewhat
Delvis post up a google map link to your work, we can help with a better route across town.
Nice one, looks much easier

Will give it a go weds hopefully, need to do some food shopping tomorrow.

Got scared earlier....there was an esculator at the entrance!!!!! :p
Everything is downstairs except the free weights which are upstairs which you get to once you're in the gym.

Are you not in the gym tomorrow?
Welcome back to Wendler LiE :). I've been adding in the BBB to my routine too, for a bit of conditioning. So, which Week/Cycle are you on now or did you just start from scratch?
Dropped my maxes a little and started from week 1. Hopefully with the lower weights I can progress better and be able to leave a rep or 2 in the tank as recommended by Wendler (before I was going all out every + set).

Squat - 180
Deadlift - 230
Bench - 150
Press - 80
Everything is downstairs except the free weights which are upstairs which you get to once you're in the gym.

Are you not in the gym tomorrow?

Nah mate, got to get some food shopping and things done really :)

I'll go weds/thurs/fri this week im hoping, then next week get back on the four day split mon/tues/thurs/fri :)
Sounds like bad planning/cop out ;)
I only miss the gym if it's something seriously major.
Sounds like bad planning/cop out ;)
I only miss the gym if it's something seriously major.

Kinda. I was on holiday last week so that screwedme over food planning wise as id normally go on the weekend.

Then the new job has screwed me up routine wise.As id normally just walk to the gym from work

It'll be sorted soon enough :)
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