Lily Allen: "History is racist"

Her lyrics are really clever
Yes..... indeed....

"**** you (**** you)
**** you very, very much
Cause we hate what you do
And we hate your whole crew"

Yes....... Absolute genius. Stunning. Brilliant. How could the likes of Shakespeare, Shelley, Tennyson or Wylde ever hope to match that, I wonder....
I've seen more clever lyrics on a Whitesnake album!!

She's just a whining little Me Too malcontent, with nothing to actually 'Me Too' about.
That lyrically clever song, It's Not Fair, for example - Perfect guy in every way, aside from one thing which she could easily solve with a rubber band or a battery toy, but she decides it's completely unfair and goes on a whining rant. Never happy....
She's just a whining little Me Too malcontent, with nothing to actually 'Me Too' about.
That lyrically clever song, It's Not Fair, for example - Perfect guy in every way, aside from one thing which she could easily solve with a rubber band or a battery toy, but she decides it's completely unfair and goes on a whining rant. Never happy....

Were you the guy? :D
"**** you (**** you)
**** you very, very much
Cause we hate what you do
And we hate your whole crew"

genius, absolute genius, I mean lamb of god got nuthin

"Whoever appeals to the law against his fellow man is either a fool or a coward,
Whoever cannot take care of themselves without that law is both,
For a wounded man will say to his assailant "if I live I will kill you, if I die you are forgiven",
Such is the rule of honour...."

and that's before the instruments even start.....

i'd post more but there are far too many band quotes with better lyrics than that....
If she wants to correct the actions of something that happened about 300 years ago and offends her, she should goto africa and help the less fortunate children and hopefully get kidnapped by Boko Haram.

The Battle for Rorke’s Drift took place ~140 years ago. London is closer to where Boko Harem operates than Rorke’s Drift is.
genius, absolute genius, I mean lamb of god got nuthin

"Whoever appeals to the law against his fellow man is either a fool or a coward,
Whoever cannot take care of themselves without that law is both,
For a wounded man will say to his assailant "if I live I will kill you, if I die you are forgiven",
Such is the rule of honour...."

and that's before the instruments even start.....

i'd post more but there are far too many band quotes with better lyrics than that....
There are plenty that are just as bad as well lol

"When I go home
I tend to close the door
I never wanted more
So sing with me
Can't you see"

Being ultrapedantic, history is in its literal sense factual or subjective in that it’s recounted in the ‘one side of the story’ way. People throughout history have been racist and a recollection of history that is distorted or/and subjective may be racist, but I’m not sure how history itself can be racist. It’s like saying ‘time is racist’. Just an observation from this thread - which I found odd to read :p
If you were the guy you couldn't get semi anything, hehe.
Can't be me, then - Although the song isn't about semi-failure so much as longevity anyway, I'm too busy gaming to worry about bedroom antics with future 'I'm A Celebrity, Get Me A Career' rejects...

At the time. I am still waiting for my compensation money from the Romans :mad:
I believe it was withdrawn, after some of your relatives sacked Rome... thrice, infact!
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