Lily Allen: "History is racist"

British Colonists 'absorbed' women too, they put people in camps, massacred people, and their poor handling of the famine in India (and just their involvement in India as a whole) resulted in millions of deaths.

Again the scale is important, a small corner of southern Africa doesn't really compare to a quarter of the world. I don't want to know how many people had to die for an empire that big.
Why doesn't anybody hate the Romans, the Persians, the Greeks?

Why just the British?
Why doesn't anybody hate the Romans, the Persians, the Greeks?

Why just the British?

There is literally no one alive from any of those. The British Empire is scarily recent and there's plenty of people with parents and grandparents who actually witnessed it. Heck even I was alive when Hong Kong was handed to China.
Isn't getting worked up at people who have different opinions on the British Empire and the actions of Winston Churchill sort of a bit hypocritical?
Isn't getting worked up at people who have different opinions on the British Empire and the actions of Winston Churchill sort of a bit hypocritical?
I'm not sure it is. I've never stormed into someone's place of business and demanded they shut down/change their decor/erase one of their messageboards because I'm offended.

If I had done that, or similar, then yes it would be hypocritical.

We're dealing with a group and a way of thinking that will not tolerate any other viewpoint than its own, and will go to lengths to suppress other's viewpoints.
I wasn’t defending the actions of people causing criminal damage.

You do have to be pretty special to apparently care enough about Churchill to theme two cafes around him and assume that he’s universally revered. Especially in relation to India. Either that or your research consisted of Googling for pictures to put on the wall and very little else.
I'm not sure it is. I've never stormed into someone's place of business and demanded they shut down/change their decor/erase one of their messageboards because I'm offended.

If I had done that, or similar, then yes it would be hypocritical.

We're dealing with a group and a way of thinking that will not tolerate any other viewpoint than its own, and will go to lengths to suppress other's viewpoints.

Hmm, appreciate your point, but theres no groups going on here, in this you're talking about one individual who sort of had a point but likes social media warrioring.

The groups you mean are probably about 5 people but because of the publicity they get come across as some sort of army, they arent.

Even in the case of your OP it is one woman having a whinge. That does not constitute something getting shut down.
I wasn’t defending the actions of people causing criminal damage.

You do have to be pretty special to apparently care enough about Churchill to theme two cafes around him and assume that he’s universally revered. Especially in relation to India. Either that or your research consisted of Googling for pictures to put on the wall and very little else.
It doesn't matter if Churchill is beloved of the majority or not.

Allowing these perpetually offended types to shut anyone down is unacceptable. Even if it's a niche cafe with only a few patrons, it's still perfectly harmless.

So the people storming in there demanding they alter their business are abhorrent whether Churchill is still a fan favourite or not. They don't have the right to choose for us.

The people who are against them are against the tyranny of the so-called "liberal" types who want to re-make the world in their image.

The groups you mean are probably about 5 people but because of the publicity they get come across as some sort of army, they arent.
Seems that our universities are cultivating them at a quite alarming rate. 5 people it is not.
These are really easy stories to write and they hit the right sort of nerve with people. You can most likely go about you day as normal and never bump into anybody like this.
I was actually in there when this see the confusion on everyone's faces, made no real sense to be honest! Thought they were joking.
Someone really should have pulled them up on whether they were in favour of Nazi appeasement and were therefore anti-semitic.

Probably would have made their tiny brains explode. Well that or it would have got violent.

What a bunch of numskulls. These types with their penchant for shutting down debate and censoring history are the new fascists.

What's with the veiled insult over the theme of the café? Who cares? It doesn't justify this sort of behaviour as it's not the BNP Breakfast Club.

On the plus side these silly people have probably now filtered themselves out of any job roles with real responsibility. Employer checks should see to that. :D
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British Colonists 'absorbed' women too, they put people in camps, massacred people, and their poor handling of the famine in India (and just their involvement in India as a whole) resulted in millions of deaths.

Again the scale is important, a small corner of southern Africa doesn't really compare to a quarter of the world. I don't want to know how many people had to die for an empire that big.

Evidence please that the British empire ever systematically and as a matter of official policy killed all but the young men and women of a conquered populace. With the women being 'absorbed' (read rape /force marriage or death if they continued to resist)....

Can you even provide evidence that the British empire systematically as a matter of policy (like with the zulu's) 'absorbed' the women of a conquered populace in any manner similar to the zulu's?

Because I'm going to go as far as to say that I'm pretty sure you won't be able to provide an example of this.

Poor handling of a famine (even if it does kill millions) is not in the same ballpark as a policy of the sort the zulu's enacted.

This is an example of exactly the sort of poor reasoning I was talking about.

I. E not differentiating between the British empire being a a very successful and extensive empire albeit a relatively decent one (by general colonial standards and this is considering that all colonial empires are pretty bad) vs a smaller, less extensive but far more brutal empire.

This is exactly the scenario when comparing the British empire and the Zulu empire.

The British empire was far more expansive and ruled far more people so its effects were more widely felt.

The Zulu empire was far smaller and encompassed far fewer people but was considerably more brutal.

I'm going to suggest to you that it's the nature not size of a colonial enterprise that's important when you want to ascertain which we're 'better' or at least 'less worse' than others.

Its totally ridiculous therefore that the Marxist left gets all wound up about Britain's colonial past but yet has nothing to say about an airport being named in 2010 after the leader of a vicious, raping, warmongering, mass murdering colonial enterprise with the only complaint being that the statue erected in honor of said warmonger showed him not armed with the weapons used to carry out said atrocities.
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There is literally no one alive from any of those. The British Empire is scarily recent and there's plenty of people with parents and grandparents who actually witnessed it. Heck even I was alive when Hong Kong was handed to China.

Yes the populace of Hong Kong were really suffering prior to 1997 under the oppressive rule of the British before the island and penisula were handed back to the benevolent Chinese goverment...

Care to provide an example of something particularly 'scary' about the British empire within living memory?
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Just as an aside, I think many people totally fail to understand the logistic difficulties in transporting food over land before the invention and deployment of combustion engines.
Really cool how people are seemingly unable to criticise Lily Allen without being misogynistic about it. Makes the points worth paying attention to.
Can't even remember if I was miso about her or not, TBH... :p
I suspect not, as her gender isn't really a factor in this.

Still what do you expect from SOAS?
Didn't the School of Oriental and African Studies have a big kick off over not being allowed to study Greek philosophy as part of their not-Greek studies, or something?

Why doesn't anybody hate the Romans, the Persians, the Greeks? Why just the British?
Because the British and the English especially have been taught to be ashamed of themselves and to self-hate and accept all the criticism for reasons of political correctness, so are just easy targets.
Plenty of people hated the Romans, but the Romans didn't give a toss and just ognored them while bringing plenty of good things with their empire, so people didn't mind in the end... except the Gauls... and the Visigoths.... and the Vandals.... and the Ostrogoths....
Well SOAS at least retains it's reputation as a breeding ground for extremism....

Challenged by John Humphrys on the Today programme last week, Fiona Lali, a third-year law student and president of the Marxist Society at the School of Oriental and African Studies in London, made a passionate defence of communism, arguing that it had failed in the Soviet Union only because, she said, “it did not have the chance to develop”.

Marxists are not only wrong they are positively immoral.... communism doesn't fail because its not been given a chance.... It fails because its a a totalitatian ideology that crushes a large part of the motivation for individuals or groups to innovate, work harder or smarter then their peers...

Still much like with different countries colonial histories a large dose of historical revision goes hand in hand with Marxist ideology.

I look forward to the today program interviewing a neo nazi about how fascism should be given another go so we can compare and contrast the merits of collective ideologies again
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