Liverpool Takeover Thread

18 Oct 2002
Tyne & Wear
I would say it's quite realistic, given the form of the team and the state of the club. You yourself have to admit that a LOT has to change really, really quickly for Liverpool to get near the top 4 this season. It's not just going to happen.

I dont think any Liverpool fan on here expects us to be in the top 4 this season. With the players we have we should be able to mount a challenge for top 4 but with all the uncertainty around the club and the poor start we have made (which could be put down to the turbulence at the club) we are not likely to be challenging for a top 4 spot this season.

A lot does need to change but a large part of that change is getting new owners in and that in itself will hopefully bring stability to the club so the players and manager can look to get things right on the pitch rather than thinking about deserting a sinking ship
31 Oct 2002
Wouldn't they be in the champions league if they had finished second?

Yeah sorry year before last, my mind scrambled this morning :)

I would say it's quite realistic, given the form of the team and the state of the club. You yourself have to admit that a LOT has to change really, really quickly for Liverpool to get near the top 4 this season. It's not just going to happen.

Oh yeah without a doubt. Being 'good enough' is not all you need. You need the motivation and right application, for some reason the team seem totally 'out of it' at the minute.
Man of Honour
17 Aug 2007
Ok maybe 5 years was a bit too harsh :p but how far do you go back?

Remember Blackburn have won it too :eek:

But in Arsenals defence, at least they mounting a challenge (for the most part of the season anyway ;)) every year

Not much of a comparison to Blackburn though, Blackburn have won the top flight 3 times in 100 years, I would say that constitutes not being a big club. As I said above, Man Utd went 26 years without winning the top flight, but imo they never ceased being a "big" club because of that.
18 Feb 2010
Winning things has nothing to do with being a big club. If a club consistently finish near the top of the league at the end of the season then it's a big club, and it takes more than a bad season or two to lower the stature of a club.

Liverpool is still a huge club. As are Spurs and Man City.
Even Newcastle, despite being relegated before, are still a big club. They have a large fanbase and are well-known throughout the world. It's not that long ago that they were in the CL either.
12 Nov 2003
Not much of a comparison to Blackburn though, Blackburn have won the top flight 3 times in 100 years, I would say that constitutes not being a big club. As I said above, Man Utd went 26 years without winning the top flight, but imo they never ceased being a "big" club because of that.

The whole "big club" thing is a load of ********. How far do you go back and do you base it on success? By their success Newcastle aren't a big club but if you look at the history Forest are. Though I dislike them Liverpool are a big club, and will still be even if they don't win anything for years or even get relegated.

I'd suggest the best measure of wether a club is "big" or not comes down to it's ability to attract (glory hunting) fans from outside it's own area.
12 Nov 2003
Not much of a comparison to Blackburn though, Blackburn have won the top flight 3 times in 100 years, I would say that constitutes not being a big club. As I said above, Man Utd went 26 years without winning the top flight, but imo they never ceased being a "big" club because of that.

Where as Chelsea have won it four times, City twice and spurs twice. Rovers have never been a big club as even in the mid 90's you still saw plenty of Man Utd and Liverpool shirts on kids in Blackburn.
18 Feb 2010
Man City are definitely not, they're a joke if anything

No more of a joke than Chelsea were a few years ago - And look where they are now. The fact is that Man City will most likely secure a CL spot for next season, and win the league within the next few years. Obviously they've only got to that position by spending a lot of money, but so what? Money rules football now, sadly.

Dismissing them as a 'joke club' just shows that you're jealous that your own club doesn't have the same resources.
Man of Honour
17 Aug 2007
The whole "big club" thing is a load of ********. How far do you go back and do you base it on success? By their success Newcastle aren't a big club but if you look at the history Forest are. Though I dislike them Liverpool are a big club, and will still be even if they don't win anything for years or even get relegated.

Indeed, that was kind of my point, though I do have a soft point for Forest :)
Man of Honour
17 Aug 2007
Where as Chelsea have won it four times, City twice and spurs twice. Rovers have never been a big club as even in the mid 90's you still saw plenty of Man Utd and Liverpool shirts on kids in Blackburn.

Indeed, which is why you cant base a lack of titles as a measure of how big a club is. Well...unless we're talking extremes of course, I mean if a club had won 60 of the last 70 league titles then they would undoubtedly be a big club on the national stage.
8 Jan 2006
No more of a joke than Chelsea were a few years ago - And look where they are now. The fact is that Man City will most likely secure a CL spot for next season, and win the league within the next few years. Obviously they've only got to that position by spending a lot of money, but so what? Money rules football now, sadly.

Dismissing them as a 'joke club' just shows that you're jealous that your own club doesn't have the same resources.

I seriously don't wish Arsenal were in City's position.

I maybe alone in this but I don't really mind, everything that Chelsea and City do in terms of trophies never feels real to me, it's artificial. I have little/no respect for them when they win things, it just doesn't matter to me as I think that what they have done/doing is shocking and has devalued and undermined the game and 99% of clubs who have to struggle along.

To me, City are a joke, sorry if you're a City fan. I fully accept that money rules football, it doesn't mean I have to respect or like that fact, it's abhorrent.

You only have to list a few numbers out to discover that they're laughable and utterly idiotic

Milner - £25m - lol
Adebayor - £25m - rofl
Lescott - £20m+ - HAHA
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9 Oct 2009
Agree, City are a joke... they'll continue to spend heavily and when they do get that champions league spot you know that milner, barry, lescott, adebayor and a few others will get replaced.. despite how much money is left on there contract or how much they paid for them at the time.
18 Feb 2010
Though those fees were ridiculous, you have to realise that if they don't pay extortionate fees they won't be able to get any good players, because other clubs know how rich City are and will hold out until they get those prices.

I'm not a City fan at all, and I don't like defending them, but the fact is that in the foreseeable future they will be the dominant force in English football - And if they are indeed a 'joke club', what does that say about the rest of the league?
13 Jan 2003
The road to erudition
the fact is that in the foreseeable future they will be the dominant force in English football

They might become one of the top teams, but I would be VERY surprised if they become THE dominant force in English football. Especially since the rules coming in about clubs not spending beyond their means, certainly Man City have become probably the last of the big spenders before the rule changes come in.

Currently I personally can't see them breaking the top 3 without a seriously better first 11, and I think they have 1 window left before the rules come in?
Man of Honour
17 Aug 2007
I have utmost sympathy for the Reds’ owners, George Gillett and Tom Hicks.

'All they seem to have done is plough a fortune into the place and they stand to lose a fortune when they sell it. But, for all that, all they get is grief week-in, week-out.

Er...not entirely sure I agree with Harry Redknapp on that one.
9 Jun 2004
Er...not entirely sure I agree with Harry Redknapp on that one.

To be fair to Redknapp, he knows far more about clubs going bust than you do :p

And getting this thread slightly back on track; a few reports are saying that the court hearing could be as early as tomorrow.
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