Liverpool Takeover Thread

9 Jun 2004
It would be a small price to pay to get rid of these two cancers, and word from the EPL is saying a points deduction would be unlikely so we'd have to wait and see what will happen.

If Broughton's confidence is anything to go by then it's not going to come to this as the board will win the court case next week.
18 Oct 2002
I think Liverpool would still be able to avoid relegation even with a penalty, but surely it's a big gamble to assume that the new owners would be willing to chuck a whole load of money into the club just to keep it afloat for the season they're down?
9 Jun 2004
I think Liverpool would still be able to avoid relegation even with a penalty, but surely it's a big gamble to assume that the new owners would be willing to chuck a whole load of money into the club just to keep it afloat for the season they're down?

Yea, it's much more likely that they'll walk away and write-off the £300m it's costing them to buy the club ;)
25 Jul 2003
Lets just ignore the possible 9 points deduction here, would it not be in Henrys's best interests to let LFC go into administration? He could then make a deal with RBS and possibly pick them up a bit cheaper?
9 Jun 2004
Lets just ignore the possible 9 points deduction here, would it not be in Henrys's best interests to let LFC go into administration? He could then make a deal with RBS and possibly pick them up a bit cheaper?

It's not quite so straight forward. If RBS took over the club, it is legally obliged to get the best possible price for the club. The fact that this deal is already in place would make it difficult for RBS to sell it any cheaper than what's already on the table, without being taken to court by H&G that is.

I suppose an arguement could be made that the value of the club would drop if it went into admin and a 9 point penalty was enforced though.
18 Oct 2002
Yea, it's much more likely that they'll walk away and write-off the £300m it's costing them to buy the club ;)
No, it's just as likely that they might go "Well we can get rid of that Torres fella for a sizeable fee, that'll help cover the costs of no TV money, and it's not like you'd really need someone as good as him in the Championship. Buy a few more of those Fulham blokes you like so much Roy."

I'm not saying they will. I'm just saying that financially, it probably makes more sense than hanging on to all the high earners in the hope that they'll get promoted straight back up and be fine, especially when said high-earners realise this means no European football for the next two seasons.
5 Aug 2004
in real terms they'd sell for less. Liverpool wouldn't go down with a 9 point deduction either though Europe might get tricky!
Man of Honour
17 Aug 2007
I thought the FA said only last week that there would be no 9 point penalty for administration as the club itself was still solvent?

Sounds just like media scaremongering to me.I think I will go with what the FA said rather than the bbc.

The Premier League have confirmed that Liverpool’s situation, if the owners go in to administration, will be more like West Ham’s than Portsmouth’s off field events.

West Ham, like Liverpool were a solvent organisation when their owners went in to administration – avoiding the penalty, whereas Portsmouth were insolvent and handed a 9 point penalty.

The clarification from the Premier League says:

“The aim of the regulations is primarily to capture clubs who have gone into insolvency. This is manifestly not the case with Liverpool Football Club.”
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14 Feb 2004
Peoples Republic of Histonia, Cambridge
New England Sports Ventures have passed fit and proper test and have been given the go ahead for the sale, Surely this is more good news for us in court?
I'm not sure it really makes much difference.

The court case isn't about if the new owners are "fit and proper". It's about if the current owners have the right sack the board.

For MB to take things this far he must be VERY sure that H&G don't. Remember that in reality all this is being backed by RBS who see a sale before the deadline as the best way out for them. Every other option is going to get ugly, I'm sure what's happening at the moment was part of the plan all along.
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9 Jun 2004
No, it's just as likely that they might go "Well we can get rid of that Torres fella for a sizeable fee, that'll help cover the costs of no TV money, and it's not like you'd really need someone as good as him in the Championship. Buy a few more of those Fulham blokes you like so much Roy."

I'm not saying they will. I'm just saying that financially, it probably makes more sense than hanging on to all the high earners in the hope that they'll get promoted straight back up and be fine, especially when said high-earners realise this means no European football for the next two seasons.

That's not what you initially asked. Keeping the club afloat and hanging on to the likes of Torres at all costs is completely different.

If we somehow managed to get relegated, it would be advisable for them to do whatever it takes to make sure we get promoted straight back up again, to protect their investment. However, it's fairly obvious that the likes of Torres would leave.
9 Oct 2009
by the looks of things Torres will leave (As long as he doesn't goto £££ city then his still in my good books) and Gerrard will consider it too although I doubt he'll leave.
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