Living in University Halls

Technically i lied in that last post becauseit isn't all loan i think 570 or something is grant money so thats no paid back :D
Mine is taking them flipping ages. I have to pay my first months rent from my own pocket, No probs but i will run out before too long...
Same here i'm having to have my mum pay deposit and first rent installment and i'll pay her back when the money comes in.
R34P3R said:
Same here i'm having to have my mum pay deposit and first rent installment and i'll pay her back when the money comes in.

Lucky i did some work ages ago and they payed me plenty. I should be getting the whole grant and loan at maximum, cause i'm older and dont work now. :)
R34P3R said:
£3200 GRANT!!! wtf how you managed to get that much do your parents not work or something :confused:

They do work :p

I think it's something to do with me living in Belfast and moving to Manchester, they class it as an international move or something :rolleyes:
Well I just got back from booking accomodation and i'm going to be in a 5 bedroom flat with 1 other guy and 3 lasses. Woot.

Hope they are fit and they can cook :D
R34P3R said:
Well I just got back from booking accomodation and i'm going to be in a 5 bedroom flat with 1 other guy and 3 lasses. Woot.

Hope they are fit and they can cook :D

Fit ? Possbily

Cook ? Not a CHANCE.
R34P3R said:
Well I just got back from booking accomodation and i'm going to be in a 5 bedroom flat with 1 other guy and 3 lasses. Woot.

Hope they are fit and they can cook :D

All I know is I'm in a 5 or 10 person flat, guess I wont find out if i got 9 babes until I move in :p
my experience girls (in university) can't cook. And the chance of them cooking for you is even more remote.

I can back that statement up. I'd hazard a guess at 80% of girls at Uni can't cook. A huge number also can't iron, tidy up or anything. How they ever hope to get by in the real world is beyond me (not to mention do the dishes etc for men like us - grrrr).
Raymond Lin said:
Better ask your mum on how to cook now, trust me, in my experience girls (in university) can't cook. And the chance of them cooking for you is even more remote.

Nota bad idea, actually i'll ask my gran coz my mum aint exactly great at cooking lol.

I have to book an appointment to move in or something nd I can do that as of 14th August, so 19 days till i can leave home :D :D can't wait.
FirebarUK said:
I can back that statement up. I'd hazard a guess at 80% of girls at Uni can't cook. A huge number also can't iron, tidy up or anything. How they ever hope to get by in the real world is beyond me (not to mention do the dishes etc for men like us - grrrr).

You are being generous at 80%, I have a friend who class putting Tesco Ready made Indian Takeaways in the Microwave as cooking.

If i am being realistic, I say.

5% that can cook - From raw ingredients, that's like stirfry, may be a pasta bake.
10% make a bit of pasta and cheese on baked potatoe (nuked in microwave rather)
85% eats Potatoe Faces and turkey dinosaurs.
I suppose I don't each the much "proper" food anyways so won't bother me much, would be nice to have the option though.
Don't that get expensive eating out all the time or did you like snack and then just have main meal of your day out?
R34P3R said:
I suppose I don't each the much "proper" food anyways so won't bother me much, would be nice to have the option though.

Hence learn a dish or two and you'll have them eating out of your hands. Some stuff is SO easy, for example

Pasta Bake - I cheat, its much quicker.

Jar of Pasta Bake sauce
Packet of past
Block of Cheese


1 - Pasta in Ceremaic dish
2 - Pour Souce in with water according to instruction
3 - Grate Cheese on top.
4 - Oven - Set your watch for time
5 - Take it out.

Hmmmmmmmm, they'll ask you how you did that, I kid you not.

Even lasagna is just as easy.


1 - Prepare Mushrooms and onions = Chop them up !
2 - Cook Mince beef and mushrooms and onions in a sauce pan
3 - Add the Jar of Sauce
4 - Put some in a dish, add pasta sheet, add white sauce, Repeat. Cheese on top
5 - Oven for 30 mins

Now you are Jamie Oliver !
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