Living in University Halls

[TW]Fox said:
No offence but people like you made my friends year at uni hell this year. She could never study or get any sleep becuase people like yourself seem to think loud stereos are acceptable, and being reported to the Uni is funny.


Daddy's wallet will get him out of trouble, he probably thinks he's being really cool and independant too.
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University is great, i've changed so much in the 3 years its incredible. Halls are great for the first year, as everyone is nervous about meeting people, so living on a corridor with 40 other people in the same situation is great as everyone has to make the effort to mix. The people i became good friends with in halls will be friends for life now, i'm certain of that.

Halls does have its downsides, like when idiots insist on playing ear bleedingly loud music in the middle of the week at 3am during exam time :rolleyes:, or people who have never heard about washing up. So it teaches you quickly about living in close proximety to other people.
hmm, now im beginning to have second thoughts about applying to student houses instead of halls :p very different? (not that anything can be done about it now, lol)
Also about spending a whole lotta money on a new gaming rig next month >_<
Allowing time for going out and all, is there a little time left over for gaming at least, in your experiences? Maybe a few hours a week?
I am very shy, but unlikely to say no if someone invited me along somewhere :p
Sudden said:
hmm, now im beginning to have second thoughts about applying to student houses instead of halls :p very different? (not that anything can be done about it now, lol)
Also about spending a whole lotta money on a new gaming rig next month >_<
Allowing time for going out and all, is there a little time left over for gaming at least, in your experiences? Maybe a few hours a week?
I am very shy, but unlikely to say no if someone invited me along somewhere :p

Word of advice: Don't wait for people to invite you.
I love the way how everyone is trying to portray the image that the new students will be having sex every other night, also giving advice like “Don't take your computer as there will be no time” rubbish, trust me, your PC is essential! Especially when there are no parties or when an essay has to be in and you haven’t started it yet!!

Sure there will be lots and lots of parties for the first couple of weeks and probably some sex, but the parties will die down after a few weeks (usually a couple a week from my experience) and I wouldn’t expect to get laid a lot either! As it doesn’t happen nearly as often as its been mentioned in this thread.

If your going to uni thinking its just going to be one big party, where everyone gets laid/drunk and has a laugh, your going to be disappointed, now that your away from your parents (first time?) your now going to have to look after yourself, also you will spend a large amount of time studying, after all that’s that whole reason your at uni.

Unless your either A) Loaded/Rich B) Have Saved your pocket money for the last decade or C) Joint bank account with Parents, your simply not going to be able to afford to party as much as you like. Your student loan looks good when you first look at it on the cash machine, then once you start buying things you need i.e. food, clothes, rent ect .. your disposable income takes a drastic decline. :) Sorry to put a realistic coment to this thread :p

Edit// Study Skills Handbook by Stella Cotrell, superb book to inform you about student life, includes the structures for essays/reports and lots of other useful information. Costs around £12 :)
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-Colli$ion- said:
I love the way how everyone is trying to portray the image that the new students will be having sex every other night, also giving advice like “Don't take your computer as there will be no time” rubbish, trust me, your PC is essential! Especially when there are no parties or when an essay has to be in and you haven’t started it yet!!

True but the only time it really does become properly useful(apart from watching films etc) is when you realise that there are no computers free in the library because it is essay time.

Halls can be brilliant but they aren't for everyone, some people aren't suited to them for whatever reason. Maybe communal living gets to them, maybe the freedom is too much, maybe there is a lack of comfort or maybe it is something else entirely but some people don't enjoy halls. I had a fantastic time in mine but I wouldn't particularly want to move back into halls 4 years down the line because I've been there and done that, I now prefer to have a bit more of my own space and not having to play the "stack the bin" game(bonus points if you double the physical height of the bin).

I do also agree that taking as much money as you can to uni is a good idea, I worked for the year before going to uni and that meant I didn't have to work for the first year while I was there. I'd hate to work out properly how much money I went through but it was worth every penny because I was only going to live like that once in my life.

//edit just remembered darts are great fun but be careful of the damage you can do, we put holes in doors, broke a light and totally ruined the dartboard.
-Colli$ion- said:
I love the way how everyone is trying to portray the image that the new students will be having sex every other night, also giving advice like “Don't take your computer as there will be no time” rubbish, trust me, your PC is essential! Especially when there are no parties or when an essay has to be in and you haven’t started it yet!!

Sure there will be lots and lots of parties for the first couple of weeks and probably some sex, but the parties will die down after a few weeks (usually a couple a week from my experience) and I wouldn’t expect to get laid a lot either! As it doesn’t happen nearly as often as its been mentioned in this thread.

If your going to uni thinking its just going to be one big party, where everyone gets laid/drunk and has a laugh, your going to be disappointed, now that your away from your parents (first time?) your now going to have to look after yourself, also you will spend a large amount of time studying, after all that’s that whole reason your at uni.

Unless your either A) Loaded/Rich B) Have Saved your pocket money for the last decade or C) Joint bank account with Parents, your simply not going to be able to afford to party as much as you like. Your student loan looks good when you first look at it on the cash machine, then once you start buying things you need i.e. food, clothes, rent ect .. your disposable income takes a drastic decline. :) Sorry to put a realistic coment to this thread :p

Edit// Study Skills Handbook by Stella Cotrell, superb book to inform you about student life, includes the structures for essays/reports and lots of other useful information. Costs around £12 :)

Ahem to that. Socialising is obviously very important, but if all you're going to do is get ****** and play Mario Kart, you can kiss goodbye to obtaining good results, which, lets face it, ought to be why you applied to university initially.

I'd just like people to realise this before they waste large chunks of their student loan paying for TV licenses so girls can watch Lost in their room, you'll need to prioritise.

I'm not a killjoy, just consider this sensible advice a heads up ;)
Fusion said:
Ahem to that. Socialising is obviously very important, but if all you're going to do is get ****** and play Mario Kart, you can kiss goodbye to obtaining good results, which, lets face it, ought to be why you applied to university initially.

I'd just like people to realise this before they waste large chunks of their student loan paying for TV licenses so girls can watch Lost in their room, you'll need to prioritise.

I'm not a killjoy, just consider this sensible advice a heads up ;)

You and -Colli$ion- make some good points. A lot of mates in halls went off the handle and spent far too much time 'partying' and the net result was naff results. It's all well and good people telling you your first year counts for nothing - but if you rely on some of the knowledge for your second and thrid years, you WILL regret it. Plus, a lot of employers now (when looking for placement years) are requesting first year grades. In my chosen career, the placement year is essential and if they only offer you a naff job slightly related to your degree, you're screwed.

That said, have a great time, but take it easy.
I didn't even bother with my gaming rig in halls, bought a throwaway second hand laptop (enough to play like command and conquer and virtual pool thou)
This all sounds like loads of fun however i'm not going to uni. Any chance i could just stay in halls for the hell of it? :D
[TW]Fox said:
No offence but people like you made my friends year at uni hell this year. She could never study or get any sleep becuase people like yourself seem to think loud stereos are acceptable, and being reported to the Uni is funny.

No offence but you have no idea. I was very considerate, my corridor was quite loud and I actually had a word with everyone on my corridor when I moved in to just let me know if the music is too loud. The only complaints I got were from the wardens whose office was near my room and could hear it, who would then note it down hence turning it into a warning.

I don't think being reported to the uni is funny, I just think the warnings were ridiculous, I played music at sensible times and respected the requests of others whether it be to play music they liked or to turn it down. I do think loud stereos are acceptable and it's part of hall life, as long as it's used with respect.

OvertoneBliss said:
I agree. There is a difference between living on the edge and being an inconsiderate plank.


Replicant said:

Daddy's wallet will get him out of trouble, he probably thinks he's being really cool and independant too.

Eh? :confused: I paid pretty much for the whole of my university expenses by myself, so yes I guess that makes me independent as I don't really rely on my parents half as much as others do and i'm very proud of that.
every1 in my hall were great, nobody was bothered about loud music etc...

and if they had a problem, they could just ask whoever to turn it down... and there would be no problem.

Going into my 3rd year now, sucks... final year, living in a house off campus, no where near as good as halls
dont be one of those geek kids that moan about people having a good laugh. Be the kids that have a good laugh. Oh and remember to buy a large plastic sheet to put in the corridor, line with fairy liquid and slide down. (but dont wack that door at the end too hard or it will fall off!)

also give one of your mates a beef shower by putting an oxo cube inside the shower head behind an empty tea bag.

As already said, everyone will be the same so there nothing to be scared of. The first week I was at halls I felt like I wanted to go home to family and mates but that disappears after a week or so when your having the time of your life!

Quite a few people who have finished are now living in Leeds still and I almost certainly will be too when ive finished my final year next year.
ArmyofHarmony said:
every1 in my hall were great, nobody was bothered about loud music etc...

and if they had a problem, they could just ask whoever to turn it down... and there would be no problem.

That's exactly how the system worked with us. Only reason I got into trouble was because the head warden was a **** and the wardens I became friends with agreed:D

Oh I went out almost every night but worked when I needed to get it done, especially exam period and came out with a 2.1, very close to a 1st. So a balance can be kept if you are sensible about it.
[TW]Fox said:
Nothing much to add except... Uni is awesome. Seriously. If you are sad pathetic geek with a counterstrike addiction, Uni has the potential to make you normal again.

Sounds like a personal experience Fox ;)

On the whole, i agree with the comments here, uni = awesome.

In respect to Gurdas, do you realise that some people might find it hard to ask someone to turn their music down as they don't want to look like the party pooper? I know loads of people who didn't want to ask people to turn their music down as it's a bit parentish.

Fortunately, i didn't have this problem, i lived in the student village in a house with 5 others, was awesome :D Except the Korean bloke who cooked oven pizza in the microwave and left the plastic wrapping on, i thought he'd kill us all eventually....
Serj said:
Sounds like a personal experience Fox ;)

On the whole, i agree with the comments here, uni = awesome.

In respect to Gurdas, do you realise that some people might find it hard to ask someone to turn their music down as they don't want to look like the party pooper? I know loads of people who didn't want to ask people to turn their music down as it's a bit parentish.

Fortunately, i didn't have this problem, i lived in the student village in a house with 5 others, was awesome :D Except the Korean bloke who cooked oven pizza in the microwave and left the plastic wrapping on, i thought he'd kill us all eventually....

ha ha. My first day of uni my now mate of 3 years+ walked into the kitchen and filled a pan with olive oil then added 1/2 a bag of frozen chips, turned the hob onto 6 and want went back to his room! safe!

You cant beat the occasional pizza thats been cooked at 250 for 14 hours!! a 12" was reduced to the size of a low quality cooked burger!

check out this chicken that was cooked for around 15hours when we went to loveleeds this year



edit -may I just say, what a class night/morning
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Uni is what you make it. If you sit in your room all day and don't socialise it will be very boring. If your into sports, join one of the clubs as they often have good nights out :D

I agree with Serj about kitchens, some people really don't have much common sense when it comes to cooking. When I was in halls last year one guy left the grill on and closed the door and another guy cooked a pizza with the plastic wrapping still on. :o
Serj said:
In respect to Gurdas, do you realise that some people might find it hard to ask someone to turn their music down as they don't want to look like the party pooper? I know loads of people who didn't want to ask people to turn their music down as it's a bit parentish.

Indeed. I deal with 100's of such compliants a year. The respsonse is always "I didn't think I was making noise as nobody complained" - noise is always the biggest problem and the actions of some do literally make the lives of others hell.

Apart from that living in hall in your first year is fantastic :D Just respect those around you.
Serj said:
Sounds like a personal experience Fox ;)

On the whole, i agree with the comments here, uni = awesome.

In respect to Gurdas, do you realise that some people might find it hard to ask someone to turn their music down as they don't want to look like the party pooper? I know loads of people who didn't want to ask people to turn their music down as it's a bit parentish.

Fortunately, i didn't have this problem, i lived in the student village in a house with 5 others, was awesome :D Except the Korean bloke who cooked oven pizza in the microwave and left the plastic wrapping on, i thought he'd kill us all eventually....

I had a very good relationship with everyone on my corridor, so there was no shyness. To be honest every night there would be 3 or 4 people on my corridor playing loud music. My music was only loud for about an hour during the sessioning period before we went out.
SCM said:
It is a lot of fun in halls and best way to meet your neighbours so to speak is in your shared kitchen if this is the way your halls is set up. As my Uni halls at Heriot Watt was 5 bedrooms to a common kitchen so we had a chance to mingle there and get to know each other.


Heriott Watt? Nice... where abouts on campus were you, I have just finished my first year. (I lived in the ghetto).
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