Log of Peace - My Aesthetic Journey to The Peak of Mt. Olympus


Our very own Wolls provided me with some good preworkout material this morning, fuelled my chest mondays! ;)

BB Bench 60kg 8 80kg 8 7 5 90kg 1 1 70kg 8 - Threw the 90s in there just to see how far i am from a new PB, reckon i could get 100kg.
Incline DB 30kg 8 8 7 - Fuark.
Cable Flys 30kg 8 8 8 23kg 10
Pec Machine 50kg 8 8 8

BB curl 30kg 8 8 8
DB curl 12.5kg 8 8 8
EZ bar 21s 15kg 3 sets


Just hiding my chicken legs ;) In all seriousness though i don't except them to progress as fast as i would like without squats. I'll give it my best though.


I'm aiming for volume rather than weight on legs for now.

Leg Press 80kg 10 10 120kg 10 10 10 8 80kg 10 - Nice slow reps across the board, pain.
DB Walking lunges 15kg 10 10 10 10
Goblet squats 20kg 10 10 10
Leg extension 50kg 10 10 10
Calf raises BW 3x30

Dips BW+15kg 8 8 8 BW 8 8
Skullcrushers 25kg 8 8 8
Rope pulldown 43kg 8 8 8

Overall pretty good. Leg workouts just aren't the same without squats but i'm enjoying them once i actually get in the gym.

Just for ice
Yeah it's a cable machine. And it's strange because there are 2 cable machines, the 43kg i did today is ok, if i select 43kg on the other one its about 6x heavier. The 43kg feels about the same as 25 in my old gym, so take it with a pinch of salt :p
Stupidly high leg press volume was awesome for my leg swole years ago when my gym didn't have a squat rack. 10x10 with strict 90 second rests, obscene pump. Your legs aren't that bad though bud!

And yeah, bulgarian split squats are another option for bringing a whole new world of pain.
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