Log of Peace - My Aesthetic Journey to The Peak of Mt. Olympus

Absolutely. Gotta try stop some slight bum tuck coming into play though.

Oh and i have something going on that you'll absolutely love. When i fully extend my left leg under load i get a bit of a click behind my left knee (back of the leg). Was very apparent on split squats.
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Still got mad leg doms from tuesday, feelsgoodman.

DB Press 30kg 8 8 7.6356 - So close :(
Arnold Press 20kg 8 8 8
BB Shrugs 100kg cantrememberrepsxsome - How the **** do you stop the bar squashing your nuts? :D
DB Shrugs 37.5kg some...
DB front raises 10kg 8 8 8
Cable side raises 14kg 10 10 10

Elbow is giving me some grief so i called it a day rather than doing more arms.

An old favourite
Congrats on BB shrugs ;). I have to say the worst trap doms I get (if you can use that as an indicator of 'progress') is from strict OHP with the proper lockout / overhead shrug at the top. Aches for days.
Widen your grip on the bar, the further towards the collars you are the higher the bar will be. Snatch grip shrugs?!

I'd give Chris' suggestion a try too. OHP with shoulder blades pinched* and an overhead shrug at the top.

*not everyone finds this harder, but you'll know if you need to do it by the fact that you need very little weight to get the fire of the underworld burning in your traps.
Hnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng this song. This ****ing song!

Pullups BW 8 +5kg 6 6 BW 7 5 - My body just doesn't seem to gel on pullups. Feels unnatural.
Chins +7.5kg 8 7 6
Deadlifts 60kg 8 80kg 5 5 5 3 100kg 2 2 2 80kg some - Got a bit carried away, was feeling good.
Plate row 40kg/side 8 8 8
Straight arm pulldown 50kg 8 8 8

Dips +20kg 8 8 7 BW 8 8
Rope pulldown 50kg 8 8 8
DB curls 15kg 8 8 8
Cable bar 21s 30kgx3

Just wanted a joocy pump because there was a joocy hardbody on the crosstrainer and i wanted her to look at my arms not my glutes :rolleyes:

80kgx3 vid
Form doesn't look as good as it felt :o

back pic
Somethings for your time
hhnnnnng that form.

Sweet lordosis brah! Have you looked at doing posterior pelvic tilt based core work? It's simpler than it sounds, you just do standard core stuff with PPT and stop the set when you can't hold the position any more. People tend to find it easier to start with reverse crunches.
hhnnnnng that form.

Sweet lordosis brah! Have you looked at doing posterior pelvic tilt based core work? It's simpler than it sounds, you just do standard core stuff with PPT and stop the set when you can't hold the position any more. People tend to find it easier to start with reverse crunches.
It's actually good? Still need to keep the bar nearer my shins i think.

You mirin that lordosis? :D It's way better than it used to be! You reckon that's partly(or more) to blame for why squats feel like **** on my back?
In a way i don't want to fix it, what if i lose my sweet glutes :(

I haven't but i shall.

@Delvis, fine. Felt like it had been worked but that's it.
It really looks fine from that angle, but if you can keep the bar closer then do.

I'd definitely put at least part of the blame on the lordosis. It could even be completely responsible, because part of the cause/effect ****storm of lordosis/APT is that you aren't using your core properly. Certainly if someone has lordosis AND back pain, they should get rid of the lordosis and teach their core how to be active and strong with a neutral spine.

Incline DB 25kg 8 35kg 8 7 6
BB Bench 60kg 8 80kg 6 70kg 8 7 7 6 60kg 8 - Don't like doing these second. Trying for a bit more volume.
Cable fly 30kg 8 23kg 8 8 8
Pec Machine 45kg 10 10 10

DB Curl 15kg 8 8 8
Cable bar 30kg 8 8 8 20kg 21sx3

I now weigh just over 180lbs. Let's keep it going strong :D

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