London Bridge Incident

I just wish to praise the Met and their ARU's for such a fantastic response. 8 mins from initial reports to the death of the perpetrators is amazing and saved a lot of other people from injury or worse.
Exactly. we don't have Jewish, Buddhist, Hinduism or Christian terrorism on our shores. One faith is causing this, and it time to kick a bit of ass back. But if the people of the UK sit on their hands as they kill our children, what the **** can we do? How did we become so soft???

what are you personally going to do?

i mean seriously?

are you going to round up a bunch of mates and burn a mosque down? raid some houses?

are YOU going to do anything or are you going to whine on an internet forum like a little girl saying " how did we become so soft!?".

cause the answer is YOU, people like you who call for "action" but do **** all, slowly your type grew and made up the majority of the country and so we have lots of robgmuns saying how soft we are and how we should do from their bed rooms.

your hands must be toasty warm how firmly you're sat on them ;)
Oh don't worry, some point today the PM in front of number 10 will declare Islam is religion of peace and everything will be alright. Go back to your Sunday roast.

How many times does this have to happen before there's a change? As someone very anti-religion, the worlds stance on this is extremely frustrating.
All it will do is increase the rising numbers of radicals in our already Muslim dominated prison's. They are fast becoming a recruiting ground for extremists

I've heard this being thrown around a lot. Can you link me credible information on this? Genuinely interested.
Such a shame to see another one, seems like London is their next Paris.

The sad thing is I don't even know how you'd stop something like this. Anyone can walk into a shop and buy a knife ad-hoc.

Heart goes out to everyone affected.
Removing our rights as human beings won't solve any of this.

When did I say remove our rights as humans? My leftie prediction being well and truly answered.

I was on about the joke of an act that is the Human Rights Act that is abused by terrorists to stop deportation and being looked up indefinely. But it's OK I accept most of the country along with yourself will continue to bury your heads in the sand.
Rob, I know it's an emotive subject so tensions run high, but if it was so simple to stop by 'just rounding everyone up on a watch list' why doesn't our Govt do it?

Because it's not that simple. They don't have the man power, resources etc to do it or, and I know you will deride this point, the backing of the rule of law.

But I want to keep addressing this point you guys go on about about the population of this country doing nothing, or we're too soft. What are you expecting ordinary individual citizens to do? Since you are criticising them so much.

I mean, deuse has come closest to being honest about what he means, by equating the stopping of the IRA bombings in Birmingham because all the football hooligans (the real men) got together and smashed up the places the Irish community gathered together. Is this what you want us to do, get out on the streets and smash up the mosques, community centres and places of gatherings of muslims?

I mean, apart from hearing vague things about 'we (as individuals) must do something' like 'kick a bit of ass back' i'm just interested in the details of what you mean.

To kill a monster one must become a bigger monster.
And I agree with some here. Time to round up them on the list and put them in a FEMA styled camp near Dartmoor.
I've heard this being thrown around a lot. Can you link me credible information on this? Genuinely interested.

and iirc last year a course on islam provided by the jails had to be withdrawn when they checked ( you know months after they put it out...) and found that it approved of jihad against non believers and was basically a radicalization course.
Watching the utter morons flatly refusing to move back when asked to by the Police, should give them one chance then arrest them.
To kill a monster one must become a bigger monster.
And I agree with some here. Time to round up them on the list and put them in a FEMA styled camp near Dartmoor.

you know that many of the people on that list will be white right wing people?

its not the "Islam extremism list" its the terror watch list.

so anyone vaugley associated with those suspected of some form of attack.

you yourself could be on it depending who you communicate with online/have said in private to those people.
To kill a monster one must become a bigger monster.
And I agree with some here. Time to round up them on the list and put them in a FEMA styled camp near Dartmoor.

Internment didn't work in Northern Ireland, it cause IRA recruitment to swell considerably. It caused attacks and bombings to increase.
Are you blind to history?
What makes you think it will work on this occasion?
To kill a monster one must become a bigger monster.

Well, that's one but not the only option that works
And I agree with some here. Time to round up them on the list and put them in a FEMA styled camp near Dartmoor.

Which again, is an option. But it's one the Govt needs to take, which we are free to lobby them to do.

But we are trying to get to the bottom of what you guys mean when you say the individual citizens of this country need 'to do something' apart from show their support and sympathy to the people involved - what direct action is being called for?

You know despite your dislike for Islam at least you're consistent and reasonably level headed with any approach.

Once people have worked out how to "solve" this problem please let the countless other Muslim countries who experience this on a daily basis know also.

This is not to detract from what has happened. But it is only when these events are local to you does it really ring home. It is quite easy to become immune to similar events abroad. Me included. Someone earlier said they were relieved that "only" 6 were dead thus reflecting on how the regularities of these events are beginning to affect us.
Internment didn't work in Northern Ireland, it cause IRA recruitment to swell considerably. It caused attacks and bombings to increase.
Are you blind to history?
What makes you think it will work on this occasion?

It worked in Birmingham. The IRA never bombed Birmingham again.

A camp far away from the city's will work.
When did I say remove our rights as humans? My leftie prediction being well and truly answered.

I was on about the joke of an act that is the Human Rights Act that is abused by terrorists to stop deportation and being looked up indefinely. But it's OK I accept most of the country along with yourself will continue to bury your heads in the sand.
The Human Rights Act simply enshrines the European Convention of Human Rights (ECHR) into UK law so that UK law must be interpreted by UK courts to be compatible with the ECHR. It also probives the ECHR as a ground for appeal within UK courts.

In short, it just accelerates justice in accordance with pre-existing human rights laws... which is presumably a good thing on the whole, even if the outcome is a frustrating one at times when criminals can 'benefit' from it.

Edit - in other words by removing the HRA you would like to remove criminal's access to their human rights.
Internment didn't work in Northern Ireland, it cause IRA recruitment to swell considerably. It caused attacks and bombings to increase.
Are you blind to history?
What makes you think it will work on this occasion?

Yes instead we should just get used to our children bleeding put cold and alone on the concrete floors. Hell their only white children after all.

Maybe we should start mandatory Islamic classes in all schools and mass convert to Islam. That's what they want after all.

Or we could ban wahhabism being imported into the country, target Isis online propergander.(If anon can do this I'm sure our security teams can)

Or eventually we will start to see an actual backlash, I wonder how much violence can the British people take before enough is enough and mosques start going up in flames?
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