But that's more of the same - we already do this, if someone is 'warped' and wants to blow themselves up - they get locked up, where it's possible to detect and intervene.
We can continue arming more police, having more terror threats, having more *stuff* in order to detect and react to this sort of problem, round everybody up - throw them into internment camps, deport them to their country of origin, Guantanamo bay 2, army on the streets, vehicle barriers on every bridge, a giant portcullis over Dover, license to use a VPN, etc, etc, etc, etc,
But I'm pretty sure, none of the above will solve the root cause, you'll still have an alienated, isolated 'us and them' mentality, and probably just the same if not more, terrorist attacks.
I honestly believe, no matter how uncomfortable it feels - we need to address the Elephant in the room, which is the endless saturation coverage of Islamic terrorism and ISIS, it generates a lot of pressure on the Islamic community, it helps nobody in any way at all - most of all, it allows ISIS's message to be communicated to everybody, surely this is only going to make the problem worse?