You bring up size but your numbers are incorrect. Let me show you.
Area size of Ghent - 156km²
Population of Ghent - 264,000
Density - 0.59m²/person
Area size of Cambridge - 41km²
Population of Cambridge - 146,000
Density - 0.28m²/person
So Cambridge has circa double the population density than Ghent. More people = more traffic = more parking issues
I'm not saying you're incorrect but what you what state isn't the ONLY reason. Part of the reason is ALSO population density as to why you say there was no traffic of parking issues when you went there.
Why you can't just concede that and want to argue that it doesn't is beyond me
Bit unfair to compare the municpality area of Ghent which includes several towns and suburbs, with just Cambridge city.
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