London pollution & ULEZ

wow.... do you still think the earth is flat, 5g messes with your brain and covid was a government conspiracy as well?. of course climate change is real..... of course the time you added is your own twaddle but I suspect even those here who disagree with the topic of this thread would admit we are adversely affecting the climate (adversely for us at least)
And do you honestly think us humans are capable of destroying a whole freaking planet because of driving a car? Lol
And do you honestly think us humans are capable of destroying a whole freaking planet because of driving a car? Lol

To put it another way, moving around over a billion metal boxes that typically weigh over a ton each by combusting some stuff we pulled out of the ground. Yeah can't see how that could have an environmental impact at all.
To put it another way, moving around over a billion metal boxes that typically weigh over a ton each by combusting some stuff we pulled out of the ground. Yeah can't see how that could have an environmental impact at all.
Its a planet. We are barely tickling it.

You do know that planets go through its own climate change cycle and we are just unlucky enough that we are in its era of happening. It's happened before a single human could ride a push bike let alone a car so please do some research and find out that planets go through there own cycle.

You and other climate activists are really not giving our planet any credit and think 150 years of industrial era can single handedly destroy a planets that's a million years older then you and I...
And do you honestly think us humans are capable of destroying a whole freaking planet because of driving a car? Lol

It's not about whether we can destroy the planet, the planet will endure far more than we could ever throw at it. It's more about whether we're capable of ****ing things up enough to make it significantly less hospitable for ourselves.
This will be then next issue in 20 years time.

A rocket launched by Elon Musk’s SpaceX last week from California may have punched a hole in the Earth’s ionosphere, a new analysis suggests.

The assessment points out that the Falcon 9 rocket launched on 19 July from Vandenberg Space Force Base in California, likely punched a hole in the ionosphere – a layer around Earth consisting of the fourth state of matter plasma, with a sea of electrically charged particles floating at about 80-650km (50-400 miles) above the surface.

Reviewing footage from the launch, space physicist Jeff Baumgardner from Boston University in the US, said it was “quite possible” that an ionospheric “hole” was made by the launch.

“This is a well studied phenomenon when rockets are burning their engines 200 to 300km (around 120 to 190 miles) above Earth’s surface,” he told

Previous research has shown that with the increasing number of rocket launches across the world, such holes are becoming more common in the ionosphere, which makes radio communications on Earth possible.
It's not about whether we can destroy the planet, the planet will endure far more than we could ever throw at it. It's more about whether we're capable of ****ing things up enough to make it significantly less hospitable for ourselves.
My point is that the planet doesn't give a crap about you, me and anyone else. It goes through its own cycle and species either adapt or be extincted
At the last local elections around here the anti-LTN candidates were overwhelmingly beaten.

Support is very high if they're implemented properly.

I wouldn't really call that evidence. It isn't thing the thing people are willing to vote in Tory candidates over.

We are talking predominantly inner city areas which are gonna vote in Tory candidates, only after hell freezes over. That doesn't mean LTNs are popular over the entire borough or area.


Here is a good summary of London. Labour was always gonna maintain control in those inner london boroughs.

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My point is that the planet doesn't give a crap about you, me and anyone else. It goes through its own cycle and species either adapt or be extincted

Oh right, yeah well then in that case, when you put it like that, lets definitely just spew as many toxic fumes into the air that we're breathing as we can
My point is that the planet doesn't give a crap about you, me and anyone else. It goes through its own cycle and species either adapt or be extincted
Yes but our activity has made that cycle worse (climate change) and our reaction to those additional changes (reducing our emissions) is us adapting.

Christ we’ve got no chance if your views are representative of any proportion of the population.
Either way ULEZ isn't about climate change. It's about making the air more breathable.

If air quality was such a concern why is he not addressing the appalling quality of air on the tube?

I guess no one is being forced to go on the tube? People do have to live at home and walk outside?
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Its a planet. We are barely tickling it.

You do know that planets go through its own climate change cycle and we are just unlucky enough that we are in its era of happening. It's happened before a single human could ride a push bike let alone a car so please do some research and find out that planets go through there own cycle.

You and other climate activists are really not giving our planet any credit and think 150 years of industrial era can single handedly destroy a planets that's a million years older then you and I...

Few questions for you:

Does the greenhouse effect work in your opinion?
Are atmospheric CO2 levels rising?
If it's not rising because of human activity then where is it coming from? I mean physically and specifically
And if that's the case then where are the known emissions from fossil fuels being burned for human use going exactly?

Also I don't think most of the physical planet is going anywhere, but I also don't think the state of that very thin layer of it that we inhabit of it is something we can take for granted. Out of all the time the planet has been around, how long does that 300,000 years that homo sapiens have existed represent of it as a percentage do you think?
wow.... do you still think the earth is flat, 5g messes with your brain and covid was a government conspiracy as well?. of course climate change is real..... of course the time you added is your own twaddle but I suspect even those here who disagree with the topic of this thread would admit we are adversely affecting the climate (adversely for us at least)
What about the climate is changing exactly, a few degrees here and there which goes in cycles, C02 has gone up by 0.001?!?

Love the added nonsense when someone disagrees with the hysteria.
the London LTNs create lots of revenue those new 20mph zones and 1million speeding tickets a year - driving will become so boring, unless you have the lottery of Musks FSD.
perhaps they should have Time of use charging for roads - in Cambridge you know that driving to work at 7am and getting out at 4:30 will save you 30 mins per day

I wouldn't really call that evidence. It isn't thing the thing people are willing to vote in Tory candidates over.

We are talking predominantly inner city areas which are gonna vote in Tory candidates, only after hell freezes over.


Evidently tories can read and social media users manifestly incapable of exposing tfl/Khans's ulez exaggerated pollution gains :
(The imperial college analysis )

Aggregating the effects at roadside and background monitoring sites, the mean effects across London were small; up to 3% reduction for NO2 and NOx , and insignificant for O3 and PM2.5. NO2 concentrations at locations within the ULEZ more consistently decreased, while a small increase (within 6%) in air pollution were found at two roadside monitoring sites outside the ULEZ. These results imply that the ULEZ on its own was not effective in the sense that the marginal effects caused by the ULEZ on improving air quality were small, either at particular locations or averaging across London

Compared with analyses by the Greater London Authority, our results indicate that a smaller reduction in air pollution can be attributed to the ULEZ. The Greater London Authority (2019, 2020b) attributed a 29% reduction in roadside NO2 concentrations in central London from July to September 2019 and a 37% reduction from January to February 2020 to the ULEZ. This is higher than our effect estimates both at the monitoring site level and at the regional level. The data sources and the research period after the introduction of the ULEZ of these analyses are similar to our study. The differences in estimates are due to the methodological choice and the research period specification. The Greater London Authority (2019, 2020b) estimated the causal effects of the ULEZ following the DID approach, using the situation in outer London as a control group and the period before the T-charge announcement as the pre-intervention period.

By comparing the situations before the T-charge and after the ULEZ, the effect estimate is a combined effect of these two policies and it is therefore unsurprising that it is higher than the effect of the ULEZ alone, as with our estimates. Furthermore, effect estimates based on comparing these two periods could be biased without control for seasonality effects. As for using the situation in outer London as a control group, it is necessary to assume that the air quality in central London would have followed the same trend as in outer London in absence of the ULEZ and we note that the factors affecting pollutant emissions (such as demographics, car ownership, and composition of the vehicle fleet) are different in these two areas, and some interventions have been prioritised (such as the bus fleet upgrade) or only implemented (such as the removal of PHV exemption) in central London.

basically TFL data conflates the effects of the congestion zone and original T-charge into ULEZ benefits.
(it's like blaming Ukraine for some of brexit originated problems)
the London LTNs create lots of revenue those new 20mph zones and 1million speeding tickets a year - driving will become so boring, unless you have the lottery of Musks FSD.
perhaps they should have Time of use charging for roads - in Cambridge you know that driving to work at 7am and getting out at 4:30 will save you 30 mins per day

I'm sorry but driving down a tight residential street in central London is not the place to be 'having fun', if you are 'having fun' you are a probably driving like a total utter <insert word here>, part of the problem and exactly why LTN's were introduced.

Why do you also have to bring in Elon Must to literally every thread, its like you have some kind of unhealthy obsession with the man. Sure his a bit of a *** these days but you need to find something more productive to learn about.
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I'm sorry but driving down a tight residential street in central London is not the place to be 'having fun', if you are 'having fun' you are a probably driving like a total utter
There is a distinction between "fun" and "not watching paint dry". 20mph is distinctly closer to the latter...
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