London violence reaching epidemic proportions

Well everyone and their grandmothers see the government nicking money from the taxpayer so naturally people start emulating and younger people more brazenly.

If you want to stop this degradation in behaviour... maybe stop electing thieves.

So you're saying that the Oxford street shopping spree happened because a minister wrongly claimed expenses to pay for a duck Island?
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If severe punishment was a solution then America would be a paradise.

In the US you have a large group of people who commit violent crimes at a rate 2-3 times other groups.


According to the FBI 2019 Uniform Crime Report, African-Americans accounted for 55.9% of all homicide offenders in 2019, with whites 41.1%, and "Other" 3% in cases where the race was known. Including homicide offenders where the race was unknown, African-Americans accounted for 39.6% of all homicide offenders in 2019, with whites 29.1%, "Other" 2.1%, and "Unknown" 29.3%[49]

12% of the population committing over 50% of the homicides. So it could be that some groups don't care about the punishment more than others.
Yeah, I think it's a bit of a reach to think these youth pay any attention to the financial workings of our politicians.
Some will desperatel use the most tenuous of links to somehow blame it on the government again.

The only ones to blame are the perpetrators. Everyone apart from the mentally ill has the tiny amount of intelligence needed to differentiate right from wrong.
Lol stopping electing dodgy politicians won't stop the youth of today doing things like this.

This behaviour happens when society neglects guiding younger folk in a positive way and instead things get more restrictive whilst at the same time the boom in social media and allowing platforms to allow fear and violence to become normalised just makes it worse.

Plus the fact that nobody wants to help any more whether it's through discipline of their own kids or just helping the wider community because all it takes is a social media post to get cancelled etc.

Dave Chappelle said it best, and the notion applies to the UK too.

Politicians aren't solely to blame, lazy society wanting everything spoon fed should receive much of the blame.
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It's lockdown kids acting out imo, exacerbated by parents losing control and teachers being removed from the equation for the summer. Not just high profile incidents like this but also more localised smaller scale stuff involving groups of teenagers going around and making retail/service staff miserable.

There's also elements like families experiencing economic hardship feeding into this which also tends to lead to disgruntled teenagers and TikTok actively promoting organised antisocial behaviour (although it would still happen to one degree or another regardless).
Lol stopping electing dodgy politicians won't stop the youth of today doing things like this.

This behaviour happens when society neglects guiding younger folk in a positive way and instead things get more restrictive whilst at the same time the boom in social media and allowing platforms to allow fear and violence to become normalised just makes it worse.

Plus the fact that nobody wants to help any more whether it's through discipline of their own kids or just helping the wider community because all it takes is a social media post to get cancelled etc.

Dave Chappelle said it best, and the notion applies to the UK too.

Politicians aren't solely to blame, lazy society wanting everything spoon fed should receive much of the blame.

Well the die was cast decades ago, but it is government and policing failures that’s lead us to this point. The options for society to lead its youth have been eroded to non existence now. Good and bad, People simply don’t respect government or police.

The gaps in wealth have become too wide and now the disillusioned parts of society are addressing those problems for us.
The slipper of discipline always worked in the past, but obviously this isn't a possibility today and there are better ways to handle discipline :D
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