Lost Ark EU - !!

I'm slowly getting to the point where logging in for the dailies is becoming tedious, I'm stuck at 1356 and nearly out of gold and ran out of the simple stones needed for honing and the small amount I can craft in my stronghold really makes it feel like you need to buy gold and get them off the AH or swipe, unless your a streamer who gets mats funnelled directly to you getting stuck now really does make the game no longer fun. I really enjoyed my time levelling up and working through T1 and T2, hopefully when the new update drops with South Vern it gives enough mats to get upto 1370 or above.
Do you have any alts?

I think that's the way to go, I have my main and 3 alts (1 just about to get ilvl 600 for T2 and another 2 that I am working towards to T2 with, I am bringing them all up so they can eventually funnel materials to my main character.

Using the weekly merchant vendors helps as those mats can be traded between characters.
I'm slowly getting to the point where logging in for the dailies is becoming tedious, I'm stuck at 1356 and nearly out of gold and ran out of the simple stones needed for honing and the small amount I can craft in my stronghold really makes it feel like you need to buy gold and get them off the AH or swipe, unless your a streamer who gets mats funnelled directly to you getting stuck now really does make the game no longer fun. I really enjoyed my time levelling up and working through T1 and T2, hopefully when the new update drops with South Vern it gives enough mats to get upto 1370 or above.

If dailies are tedious, stop doing them and let the rested bonus build up for a few days. There are multiple ways to make gold each day, the island daily is between 5-600g which you get within 10 minutes.
2 weeks isn't an insane grind my dude. If you've hit that point without an alt to help feed it might take you longer.

Ofc Lost Ark is pay to win. No different to modern World of Warcraft TBF.

How many hours a day to get there in 2 weeks?

I have absolutely no problem with the game being pay 2 win. There is more than enough for f2p players to do.
How many hours a day to get there in 2 weeks?

I have absolutely no problem with the game being pay 2 win. There is more than enough for f2p players to do.

Generally speaking I'd say 1-2 hrs depending on groups. You wanna get the island daily, 2x chaos, 3x una daily, 2x guardian and once you've done that check procyon's compass to see if the world boss/chaos gate is up. Sounds like a lot but it takes me between 1-2 hrs.

With alts the main thing you want is the chaos dungeon farm to feed the main, they take 5 minutes each run. If you add bifrost for Lopang daily silver that's another 2 minutes.

You don't need to play everyday either, there's a decent rested bonus in this game.
If dailies are tedious, stop doing them and let the rested bonus build up for a few days. There are multiple ways to make gold each day, the island daily is between 5-600g which you get within 10 minutes.

how are you getting 5-600g from the island daily? sometimes i dont even get any gold
Generally speaking I'd say 1-2 hrs depending on groups. You wanna get the island daily, 2x chaos, 3x una daily, 2x guardian and once you've done that check procyon's compass to see if the world boss/chaos gate is up. Sounds like a lot but it takes me between 1-2 hrs.

With alts the main thing you want is the chaos dungeon farm to feed the main, they take 5 minutes each run. If you add bifrost for Lopang daily silver that's another 2 minutes.

You don't need to play everyday either, there's a decent rested bonus in this game.

Fair enough, that's not too bad. I don't have any experience getting to that level. I was just basing it on what I had read.
how are you getting 5-600g from the island daily? sometimes i dont even get any gold

Open procyons compass, it isn't always gold since you have a choice of 4 IIRC. Today for example we got a choice between silver, card packs and pirate coins. The first item on the expected adventure reward is the main thing you get.

Fair enough, that's not too bad. I don't have any experience getting to that level. I was just basing it on what I had read.

The time sink can happen if you miss either the world boss, chaos gate or island daily since their on the hour. If you miss it and feel the need to do it each day you instantly add another hour of waiting or filling that hour doing other stuff while waiting. Once you have a routine it's pretty quick, I'll start with world boss then fill the time doing una's, guardian and chaos before the end of that hour and then finish with the island. If there's also chaos I'll log an alt do the above and swap back to main for the chaos. You usually don't have all 3 up but on days like today's reset you do :p
Open procyons compass, it isn't always gold since you have a choice of 4 IIRC. Today for example we got a choice between silver, card packs and pirate coins. The first item on the expected adventure reward is the main thing you get.

ah yes thats what i thought, the way i read your post i thought you were getting that everyday and thought id missed out on tons of gold lol
getting bored with this now tbh.. might try the glaivier when they release it to see if that gets me interested again but the slow down when you hit 1300+ is driving me crazy, im failing honings ~10 times each piece
getting bored with this now tbh.. might try the glaivier when they release it to see if that gets me interested again but the slow down when you hit 1300+ is driving me crazy, im failing honings ~10 times each piece

The slog to 1370 is brutal, you'll fail each upgrade multiple times and it could be days before you see a single item go up in item level. Expect it to take 2-4 weeks to hone to 1370.

Best bet is to play alts, more characters in t3 means you can funnel mats to your main, to gear up faster.
The slog to 1370 is brutal, you'll fail each upgrade multiple times and it could be days before you see a single item go up in item level. Expect it to take 2-4 weeks to hone to 1370.

Best bet is to play alts, more characters in t3 means you can funnel mats to your main, to gear up faster.

im taking a break from it for now, ive played almost everyday since release so replaying the same content so soon doesnt appeal to me yet
as i said ill probably make a glaivier when thats released and see how things go from there but i think this is one of those games ill keep coming back to
im taking a break from it for now, ive played almost everyday since release so replaying the same content so soon doesnt appeal to me yet
as i said ill probably make a glaivier when thats released and see how things go from there but i think this is one of those games ill keep coming back to

Glaivier is out today.

There's a catch up event for any char below 1000 ilvl as well as the Feiton power pass being given away for free to boost a char 960. We also get the Ark Pass today. You could boost the glaivier to 960 then use the catch up event to get it practically into tier 3 then use the Ark Pass to boost it further if you enjoy it.
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