LOST..... How do you think it will end

So how many of us are watching it at 5am. Think I'm gunna go get some food in and stuff, will be weird watching and eating something like that at 5am.

thinking about recording it on sky plus, dont think i can wait a week :p
cant see myself getting up at 5am on a monday
Anyone else going to be boycotting the internet until they've seen the episode? :p

I'll be at work so won't be able to watch it until the evening, I won't look at anything that could possibly ruin the ending until i've seen it.
I leave for work at 6:30 still pondering over if i should watch an hour and a half of it then watch the rest when i get home or just record it and then watch it. The really annoying part is i usually get up at 5am.
I'll be forgoing all internet and leaving my mobile at home tomorrow as I've got work from 8am-6pm.

In regards to the ending, my own personal theory is that the people in the parallel timeline will figure out how to reverse the split that caused both timelines, and the series will end with flight 815 crashing, and the show is one big continuous loop :p
As much as I love Lost, I'm not going to wake up at that hour to watch it. I don't have work until 5 so I could watch it before then but I'm also getting my new car tomorrow so I'll be wanting to play around with that. 10pm it is :p

I'll just have to avoid the internet and people.
Sorry if it's been posted before but does anyone know if it will be released on itunes tomorrow, or will we have to wait until Saturday?
So ive decided to wake up at 4:30, make some breakfast and watch lost at 5.. better be worth me getting up so early :p
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