LOST..... How do you think it will end

I promised a friend I'd wait till he returns from holiday to watch the finale together, as we watch it every week as a group. Really starting to regret it now. No more internet, text messages, phone calls or social life until he returns. :(
Are we to assume this is going to be two standard length episodes back to back?

Just working out the latest I can wake up to finish watching it before 7:45?
Is this going to be on Sky at 5?

It's pretty much a race against time right now as I have 5 more episodes to go before I've caught up, and then I can watch the finale at 5. Then straight out of the house, no sleep. :o:p
Ok so before this last episode airs, I'm gonna call the shots on what's going to happen :)

  • Ben isn't with MIB.
    Yes he accepted MIB's offer of having ownership of the island in exchange for doing MIB's biddings; but Ben has changed - he no longer cares about owning the island or about his leadership power. He killed Widmore to stop him from revealing any more information and also to get personal revenge for the killing of his daughter. Later, he will reveal to Jack what Desmond's purpose is on the island.
  • Desmond, with his resistance to extreme electro-magnetic energy will be taken to the light and will actually go in to it. Once inside, he will do something and MIB/Smoke Monster's power will change. Ultimately enabling him to be killed.
  • In the sideways timeline, everyone will meet in the same place (the theatre) and all have flashes of their alternate memories of the island. What I really just don't know is what this will lead to. Possibly everyone in the original timeline will get flashes of this sideways timeline.
  • Jack will die. In the sideways timeline he has twice unexplainably bled from his neck, and as we have seen, there is somewhat of a bleed effect from the original timeline to the sideways one. Furthermore, killing the main character is simply a good, decisive conclusion to any story. In the last half of the episode, Jack's neck will be pierced with a bullet or a branch.
  • The island will be destroyed. This is based on the theory that Jack will die, since if he does die then there will be nobody to replace him. In any case, unlike a lot of other fans, I don't think the cycle of Island Protector/Smoke monster will continue. Jack will have one of his moments of insanity where he likes to break things - Quite possibly it's from seeing flashes of the sideways timeline where he is now happy.
tl;dr - Ben's not with MIB, helps Desmond into the light (due to his resistance to electro-magnetic energy). Jack dies. Island sinks. MIB dies or goes down with the island. Original timeline ceases to exist; everyone's happy in sideways timeline, and aware of what happened in the original.
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Okay, kind of lost (:p). Why was Desmond on the Oceanic flight in the side time line? He wasn't on it in the original, as he went on the boat race and crashed on the island, so surely in the side time line he'd be doing the boat race again but not crashing this time?

When he got to the island in the original time line, he already knew who Penny was and he was there before any of the other people on the flight (as it hadn't crashed yet), so how come in episode 11, he doesn't know who she is in the side time line, but everyone else had already had their Oceanic flight? :confused:

Edit: I don't know if what I just said makes sense or whatever now. Maybe I got the time lines mixed. Bah. :p

No actually, my question still stands.
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If Jack 'dies' he will just turn into White Smoke and neutralize Black Smoke in some way.

All I want to see is a satisfactory ending to the whole thing, but I think the writers lost their way after the first two Series and they must be rushing out a very scrappy ending which will leave even more questions unanswered, I just don't see how they can explain every twist/puzzle/clue/character (And they sure over-complicated things for themselves early on), in the time they have left.
Just watched it. I cried more than once and don't know whether I'm disappointed by the ending, relieved, or other, but I'm breathless and can't believe it's actually over!
Just watched it. I cried more than once and don't know whether I'm disappointed by the ending, relieved, or other, but I'm breathless and can't believe it's actually over!

I felt a bit like that. Although I quite liked the ending.
I thought (though a tad predictable) the ending was quite good. Would like to see the other 3 alternate endings

There's gonna be alternate endings! :eek: when!?

Nearly cried during that, but was really disappointed with the ending, the alter reality plot twist was predictable.
Thought it might end on a lesser happy note tbh
Sat here reflecting. I think it was brought together very nicely. I'm a very nonreligious guy but i'm satisfied by that and think it could have ended in a lot more worse ways. I think the Islands purpose is to relieve people of their misery, Jack would have never met Kate, Sawyer met Juliet, Desmond getting off and back to Penny, Locke finding his purpose, Claire and Charlie etc. etc. If you noticed in the 'alt', all the people there were happy and Christian opening the doors at the end meant they could move onto their next life, the theory of reincarnation. Everything that happened in Seasons 1-5 happened. Everything that happened in the on-Island timeline happened. Everything that happened in the "no-crash timeline" was part of purgatory and the Losties getting back together before they are able to move on to their next life.

They come, they fight, they destroy. It always ends the same.

An obvious statement but if you remember down the log flume there are skeletons. This I presume is for the purpose of showing us that the Island is a loop. At the end Hurley says to Ben 'You were a great number 2' Ben replies 'You were a great number one, Hurley' showing that the alt is some time in the future, obviously when they are all dead and probably as a result of a LOST 2 happening, if you catch my drift.

This theory is futher backed up by the fact Eko and Ana Lucia are not in the church at the end, Eko resolved his issues while he was still alive, didn't need to wait for the others. Ana still had a way to go. Locke helped Boone resolve most of his junk, except for whatever it is that he wanted to say before he died. Which he probably did with his actions in helping Shannon find Sayid.

There is good and evil in everyone (as MiB stated), people can only leave 'limbo' once they have redeemed themselves, notice Michael and Ben are not there yet becuase they weren't ready to leave.
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Not watched Lost for this last season, can someone tell me if this finale answered all questions? Need to know! Ha
No, it didn't. Got this from another forum.

Should we start a running list of all the "mysteries" they never answered (or even addressed)?
1. Why did the Dharma Initiative come in the first place? How did they get there? What were their different experiments and what did each station really do?
2. What exactly was the "electromagnetic energy" on the island? Was it related to "the light" or what?
3. What exactly are Jacob and the man in black? We never find out. They were apparently born to a human (maybe) but are kind-of immortal, kind of omnipotent...
4. What is the island? Why does it need to be protected? We never find out. We get Alpert's backstory...only to find out he has no idea what/who Jacob is or what the island's all about either. We even get Jacob & MIB's backstory...only to find out they have no idea what the island's all about either...and don't find out who they are either.
5. What was the deal with the lighthouse? How did it bring people there? Who built it? Presumably it was built after Jacob got there, so how did he bring people to the island before that?
6. What was the deal with writing the names on the wall? We hear a huge cop-out on the "why" behind that because Jacob says essentially, "uh, yeah I crossed you out Kate but you can still have my job if you want it"....huh? That's stupid. It's like they're just defusing all the tantalizing things in order to avoid committing to a big bang punchline. Think of how much time and energy people have put into analyzing the names on the walls with screencaps and "which Kwon do they mean" etc. Huge cop-out.
7. Why can't women have babies on the island?
8. What happened to Desmond with the big flash? Sure, we find out he maybe needed to get electrocuted to be able to unplug the pillar (....so that Jack could just put it back in? Huh?) But we really don't know what the deal is with Desmond.
9. What does the donkey wheel do?
10. What culture is the Jacob/statue/tapestry mythology from? Why is that significant?
11. Why is smokey SMOKE?! Huh? Why does it make the skittering and click/cranking sounds? Why doesn't Jacob have that ability? Why doesn't Desmond?
12. What's the deal with the numbers? Still nothing re: answers on that. Pathetic.
13. Who is Eloise Hawking, and how does she have insider knowledge?
14. Why did the flashes cause ruptured brain aneurysms? Why did Daniel lose his memory?
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