the first three episodes were ridiculous, like OMG we are crashing, OMG the hatch is stuck, OMG the ice, OMG shes stuck, OMG her leg is broken OMG an alien robot, OMG fuel eels (WTFFFF) OMG OMG OMG etc etc
fuel eating eels? how did they get inside a space ship fuel tank? or how did they get in the fuel tanks of ALL of the Jupiter ships but without damaging the ships???
her leg is not broken like 2 days later
the dad is useless, everything he does doesnt work
don west is in the creepy zone age wise if they hook him up with Judy
far too much like lost when all the other families showed up
one of the Jupiters just happens to have a fuel trailer in it? really?
its not been "IN SPACE" since the first five mins, so much for flying about in spaceships