Lost In Space - Netflix reboot

Pretty good first episode. I would like to see all of the kids die but I guess that isn't going to happen. Good CGI/special effects. Will probably watch the rest.
It took 5 episodes to address the elephant in the room and it was a quick mention and nothing else, (the black girl in the all white family).
I'm liking it.

Ignoring some of the plot/script, it has its funny moments especially between Will and Mr Robot, as well as some high production value to keep my inner sci-fi satisfied.

Just good old entertainment in space with cool stuff.
I am never a fan of actors or actresses that look like they are constantly about to burst into tears.
To some extent I have to agree with the sentiments that I've seen around that say that this is less "Lost in space!" and more "Lost! in space"
Watched the first episode and my god the writing/script + acting...... :o

Will stick with it though as scifi!!!!! space!!!!! and it looks stunning on oled/dolby vision.
It's not bad, I'm enjoying it anyway. There are some real WTF moments like

When the Robot locked Will in the cupboard and John needed to get in there to get a wrench. Why did john just accept that he couldnt have the wrench when the fate of all of them depended on it? Whaa:confused: No no, it's ok Mr Robot sir. I know we'll likely die if i dont get a wrench now but rather than bother you any further i'll just go 3d print one and wait for an hour or so.

But hey it's sci-fi whatever.
There are some real WTF moments

There is some proper "bad" science thrown in I can only think it is done on purpose for some reason such as the mixing up of units early on and some basic flaws with electricity - its largely inconceivable that someone took enough time to be able to portray those aspects on film to the level of detail they are but at the same time get the most simple thing/fundamental principle about them completely backwards so I can only assume for some reason it was deliberately done.

Overall I'm not finding it too bad - the general sci-fi aspects are good enough to make it somewhat interesting to watch though plot wise its a bit hit and miss.
Finished watching it earlier. I still can't get over the fact that Judy is like 18 in the film when she looks younger than that (upon initally seeing her I thought she was 14!), and they seem to be pairing her up with a guy who is in his 30's. The lady playing Smith does an excellent job of portraying a superbly punchable face - oh and portrays the character quite well. It isn't a perfect show and the whole female agenda is present here too. It isn't old school monster of the week stuffs like the old tv series but it is still watchable. 8/10.
9 episodes in so far...

hmmmm its definitely well made in terms of how it looks. the production design is top notch, and the outside filming and effects look great (as good as a decent film)

but its got massive issues, script / storyline wise
moments are good here and there and the acting isnt so bad
but so much influence from Lost, The Martian, Interstellar, Prometheus (and A:Covenant)
the episode where they strip down a jupiter for take off to lose weight is literally the ending of the martian

so much of a rush of ideas as well, it could have just slowed down a bit and needs more moments of character interactions and development

the first three episodes were ridiculous, like OMG we are crashing, OMG the hatch is stuck, OMG the ice, OMG shes stuck, OMG her leg is broken OMG an alien robot, OMG fuel eels (WTFFFF) OMG OMG OMG etc etc

fuel eating eels? how did they get inside a space ship fuel tank? or how did they get in the fuel tanks of ALL of the Jupiter ships but without damaging the ships???
her leg is not broken like 2 days later
the dad is useless, everything he does doesnt work
don west is in the creepy zone age wise if they hook him up with Judy
far too much like lost when all the other families showed up
one of the Jupiters just happens to have a fuel trailer in it? really?
its not been "IN SPACE" since the first five mins, so much for flying about in spaceships :(
Watched the first 2 episodes , it’s so so for me so far. Then I realised that The Expanse has started again for the 3rd season.

I’ll prolly continue with Lost In Space , hoping that it will get better. Slow burner it is.
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