lol, it was better than the movie with Matt Le BlancThe writing in this is terrible and the characters are annoying.....
lol, it was better than the movie with Matt Le BlancThe writing in this is terrible and the characters are annoying.....
Finished it this morning. I enjoyed it. Can't wait for season two.
lol, it was better than the movie with Matt Le Blanc
5 episodes in and I dislike every character.
5 episodes in and I dislike every character.
Only on episode 3 but remember thinking the score seems detached from some scenes/inappropriate times to use a score.
There is a lack of back story for the robot and what little there was (ep09) points to them being intelligent beings. So why did they have no free will and just ordered about like a slaveThe robot is just 'awkward' and there is nothing interesting happening. Have to wonder who designed that robot and thought its a great addition?