Struggling big time at the moment. Just cant get into anything. I do think Gamepass is at least a little bit at fault as it feels like the games are free so I'm not appreciating them perhaps as much as I may if I had bought it but the last 6 months or so only Forza Horizon 5 has held my interest for longer than anything else. I'm level 90 something, done most of the races, can't crack two of the long ones, don't really understand the seasonal stuff, cant figure out how to just jump in a race with my mate online. Game feels like FH4 2.
I did play right through Titanfall2 which I thought was great. Aliens Fireteam and Insurgency were good to start with but limited in their scope. Tried RB6 extraction last night, quit during the training level trying to mark those nests but they kept seeing me
. Dull. Tried Halo Infinite, got part way through that spaceship thing on the first level and never went back to it. Back 4 Blood ok but hard to get in with decent / human players. Bots are so dumb. Tried a lot of the Indy games mentioned on here, not for me although Super Hot Mind Control was great but over in 10 minutes. Keep looking at RDR2 which I am part way through but have no desire to compete it.
I like the look of Dying Light 2 but seems a bit of a buggy mess and stealth games have never been my thing, having said that set the xbox to download Hitman tirlogy last night so see how long I last with that. 10 minutes probably