45 here and lost interested in gaming. not even interested in this years call of duty. Been playing since call of duty 2.
Maybe try a different franchise
I find my interest in gaming ebbs and flows.
VR helped a lot, just finished Lone Echo 2 which was straight up fantastic, sadly VR games of this caliber are rare.
Otherwise my PC is a very expensive youtube machine mostly haha.
I have been tempted to grab a Series X or PS5 whenever stock comes next to see if I enjoy gaming on console more nowadays.
Not owned a console since the N64 so could be a laugh at least.
Battlefield, perhaps ?
Yeah, doesn't help that most new triple AAA games are overhyped or dumbed down dog****.
INB4, just play indie titles, bro. Been there, tried that and spent a silly amount on games that still don't grab me.
I've been a keen gamer ever since I got my NES, sunk soooo many hours/days/months of my life into gaming. Now, I just can't be bothered.
It annoys me that I've lost my interest, I've got a great catalogue of games available to play across many formats, I just don't have the desire to actually play any of them. I know it sounds stupid, but gaming has always been my release, my escape.
Anyone else in the same boat? Hopefully with a bit of time, I'll get back into it.
I find the old repetitive games the best. Think Tetris and Space Invaders, or even god damn Snake on an old Nokia.
I've got a couple of Cybiko handhelds. The original and the Xtreme. Might have a look at what's available for them, just for a laugh.
I just can't get into modern games. It just seems like too much effort. Can't remember what the last game was I tried to play, but do remember thinking after a few minutes of the opening cut scene was "god this is boring", before calmly closing then proceeding to watch videos on YouTube on my £2500 PC
The daft thing is if you look at half the games kids are playing nowadays they're actually more like those 2D 80's games than anything else. Lot's of people just want quick pick up and play stuff.
As soon as it’s going to take time and effort to get into a game I either haven’t got the time or haven’t got the effort!
Ok , I tend to think kids like violent games like GTA V and COD. Not really like Donkey Kong and Mario.