Bah, its even more gimped than I remember, I'm running around, admittedly as a Guardian so more morale than usual, but not by that much, with almost 5 times the health of the mobs I'm fighting.
At launch by level 22-23 in the lone lands you'd be fighting mobs with only a few hundred morale less than you, 2 years later, and the same mobs have almost half the morale while I've got a lot more than I would have.
One of the only instances that hasn't been gimped is the Formal complaint instance that almost no one ever bothers doing anyway.
ITs good, some stuff has been made smoother in terms of UI, the please spend your money alert everytime you gain a point is irritating me now.
ITs still "good", its fun to play at points, but its just SOO easy compared to the game released a couple years back(actually is it coming up on 3 years, or past 3 years now?).
Crafting has become a joke, with what used to be 2 sets, one crap and one really good at each tier, and a single use recipe 3rd set that was always WAY better than the less good set in the next tier up, it meant a significant upgrade every 8-10 levels, now its all completely blurred together and the lowest tier sets have the biggest step up compared to any stage in the game. Jewellery is screwed just because 95% of the jewellery between lvl 22 and lvl 48 is rubbish and barely an upgrade.
I'm just irked, it used to be so much better, I can't see why they've felt the need to make everything so so easy with every update.