Love Britain ? - Vote UKIP.

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UKIP are the new BNP, they will not be getting my vote.

UKIP on Immigration = Gain control of borders and have controlled, points-based immigration policy based on skills.

BNP on Immigration = Stop all immigration imediately, offer repatriation packages to 'non-whites' and base future immigration policy on religion/skin colour.

If you think those two positions are even close then you must either a bit slow or such an extreme leftie that anyone right of Tony Benn in your eyes might as well be Adolf Hitler.
Farage: "See! Not all our members are racist! Look at all the brown people I've recruited to prove it!" lol.

Just like Fox News pushed blacks and latinos on their front page while they whined about "minorities" heavily supporting democrats in opinion pieces. :)

UKIP on Immigration = Gain control of borders and have controlled, points-based immigration policy based on skills.

So Britons should enjoy freedom of movement within the EU but other people shouldn't?
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The UK works more hours and produces less than many of its neighbours. The productivity of the UK is worse than the G7 average. Im almost certain that people that are willing to travel hundreds if not thousands of miles to make a better life for themselves will work harder than many who are in jobs cruising along.

When it comes down to 'producing' are you on about physical goods? We aren't a nation know for our manufacturing. We are a service power house. However, UK 'below average' doesn't surprise me.
So Britons should enjoy freedom of movement within the EU but other people shouldn't?

Peronsally I think it should go both ways. Can't immigrate to a country if you have nothing to offer them skill wise (if you want to work). Immigrating to a country once retired is slightly different.
UKIP on Immigration = Gain control of borders and have controlled, points-based immigration policy based on skills, WHILST OFFERING EVERYONE IN THE WORLD THE SAME ENTRANCE CRITERIA.

BNP on Immigration = Stop all immigration imediately, offer repatriation packages to 'non-whites' and base future immigration policy on religion/skin colour.

If you think those two positions are even close then you must either a bit slow or such an extreme leftie that anyone right of Tony Benn in your eyes might as well be Adolf Hitler.

Made a little tweak to your point as I feel that is the most important part of the argument.
Great article I have just come across today in the paper.

When I started secondary school in the mid-Sixties, by the measures then used, unemployment was effectively zero and had been since the end of the war. The older brothers of most of the boys around me at Holloway County were rolling out of class at 15 or 16, often with few or no qualifications and into a job of some kind. Despite sometimes heroic efforts on the part of the teachers, the prevailing attitudes of the pupils towards being educated remained indifference, good-natured bemusement or sometimes straightforward hostility. They really didn’t need no education.

Spool on a few years and I was in Rotherhithe, a mostly working-class area still. It was Tony Blair’s first term and his education secretary, David Blunkett, had brought in a new act establishing city academies, which, you may recall, were to be different from “bog standard comprehensives”. A friend, a local school governor, was telling me that there had been a rush of inquiries from parents about the academy that was to be set up locally. But most of these parents were black Africans, first generation immigrants, looking to secure a better education for their kids. The white working-class parents, she said, were conspicuous by their absence.

By then, unemployment, though far lower than in the trough of the mid-Eighties, was three times higher than it had been when I tripped through the gates of Holloway. Low-skill jobs were disappearing. There was a much greater need to leave school with some qualifications.

That same year girls outperformed boys in getting As at A level for the first time. And David Blunkett worried about a “laddish anti-learning culture” that was leading to chronic underachievement.

Gradually, over time, the worry has morphed from being about boys to being about poor white boys. Whites (not just poor ones and not just boys) are less likely to go into higher education than any of the ethnic minorities, and far less likely than some of them.

It is too early to know what the outcome will be for the largely white immigrants from the EU, but the evidence seems to suggest that their children perform well at school. Indeed, a recent paper by the Economic and Social Research Council, which started off looking at possible problems in educating Polish and other children, ended up worrying that these pupils were not being sufficiently challenged academically.

It is unsurprising, then, that the terms of the popular debate about immigrants has altered fundamentally since I was young. The model of migrant miscreance is now not the smelly, ****less, uneducated, crime-prone chancer but the hard-working, job and school-place snatching overachiever. The problem with migrants is not their inability, but their ability relative to some of the indigenous population.

There are exceptions, of course, but I would put it to readers that a rational people would now turn this national discussion on its head. Such a people would recognise that we don’t have an immigrant problem. The immigrants are mostly doing everything we could want them to, in schools, colleges, workplaces and businesses.

Their success is fuelling a backlash. In their excellent book Revolt on the Right, the academics Robert Ford and Matthew Goodwin analyse support for Ukip. They demonstrate that it is “anchored in a clear social base: older, blue-collar voters, citizens with few qualifications, whites and men”. These are people, they write, “with obsolete skills and few formal qualifications (who) have struggled in a post-industrial economy”.

Now look at the county of Lincolnshire. Last May Ukip became the opposition on the county council, winning 16 seats. The 2011 census confirmed that Lincolnshire has a significantly higher proportion than the national average of residents with no or low qualifications. The county is older and more unhealthy than the nation as a whole.

Last May Ukip won five out of seven seats in the Lincolnshire town of Boston, polling between 35 and 45 per cent of the vote. Boston has the lowest level of educational attainment in Lincolnshire, already an underperforming county.

A statistical analysis of children on free school meals, based on 2009 figures, showed that those in Lincolnshire had almost the worst life chances in the country, while those from Newham, in London — the most ethnically diverse borough in the country — had the best chance.

Why? Part of the explanation is obvious. Immigrants tend to be more motivated than most people, have often already overcome major barriers to get here, are younger and so on. But why do poorer indigenous people often seem so unmotivated?

The answer is not, by the way, the loss of grammar schools. Though Ukip is strongly in favour of a return to the 11-plus system, claiming that it aids social mobility, the educational situation in Lincolnshire should give them pause. There, a selective system means that 25 per cent of the children do indeed attend grammar schools (and therefore 75 per cent don’t). The results for those who do are good and for those who don’t, as we have seen, are pretty poor. It is an irony that the educationally deprived of Lincolnshire should vote for a party that would continue their deprivation. But then, such ironies are legion in 2014.

To reiterate, we don’t have an immigration problem. We have instead a problem with and for those fellow citizens who can’t keep up and that is where we ought to concentrate our attention. If we were to set up the equalities and human rights commission anew, this would be the first task it should be given. Don’t worry about the Bangladeshis, we’d say, they’re OK. So are the Indians. And the Africans. Even the girls.

But how do we prepare the least educated and the harder to reach for the world as it is? All our sensible politicians know this is the real question. Iain Duncan Smith knows it, Yvette Cooper knows it, David Laws knows it. They may yodel the anti-migration message, but their minds aren’t in it, let alone their hearts.

Somehow we have to bust through the lack-of-aspiration barrier, break-up the anti-education ethos, help instil in indigenous Brits what immigrants already seem to possess. The desire to go forward. The need to progress.
I think we should renegotiate on an employment for criminal swap basis. Sure your country folk can come here to bleed our wealth. The cost is you have ro take ob of our prisoners for each man or woman you send over.

That would be quite equitable for us.
We absolutely need to take control of our borders, although the truth is that it's not EU immigrants which are not the problem. French, Germans, Poles, Greeks and so forth tend to assimilate quite well, as we do have a shared European culture. From my own experience they tend to want to work hard, are respectful of our culture and try to fit in. Even so, I'd still control their numbers.

It's those from further afield who have very different cultural backgrounds which pose a threat.
^good article and nicely sums up my views

Slightly off at a tangent, but Tony Blair's decision to scrap polytechnics and make them universities (thus tripling the amount of unis overnight and so the amount of students) was probably the worse thing this country did. Smack on that his aim of having 50% degree educated and we are where we are today.

Students going to ****e Universities, studying half baked degrees (photography, sociology, David Beckham Football studies, etc.) a huge amount treating it as a 3 year **** up and leaving with nothing, and all the while expecting to leave and walk into a £30k/£40k salary just because they have a piece of paper.

Who advised Government that we needed 50% of the population degree educated anyways?
I think we should renegotiate on an employment for criminal swap basis. Sure your country folk can come here to bleed our wealth. The cost is you have ro take ob of our prisoners for each man or woman you send over.

That would be quite equitable for us.

No need to send British prisoners.
Is being nationalistic being racist? Ostensibly yes to some extent but doesn't discriminate against any individual races of people more compared to another.

If we aren't nationalistic and don't fight ro protect the country and it's wealth and insist on being uber chemaritable and so ourselves in so as not to offend other people's then we would be very stupid and unable to help those who really needed the help. It will be us asking for the help.
Is being nationalistic being racist? Ostensibly yes to some extent but doesn't discriminate against any individual races of people more compared to another.

Like I said in another thread, people are quick to brandish the 'R' word nowadays. Any talk on race/ skin colour/ etc. and you are a racist!

All this talk about discrimination as well. We are one of the worst countries for positively discriminating, discrimination is discrimination in my eyes.

Am I a racist for saying 'Blacks cause most knife crime in central London'?
What do you require for ukip to show that they aren't racist then?

Well if they stopped with the racist rhetoric, stopped making racist statements, stopped spreading racist party flyers, stopped letting openly racist members run for election, and got rid of their racist policies. That would do it for me.
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