Unsure what women in the warehouse got to do with any part of this then, unsure what you are trying to link and reach to?
As for the waterblock, have you even watched the videos? Colton takes responsibility for it as hes the department head. Something you said is acceptable in a previous post, but the CEO has to know everything, well when he was notified I am sure Linus knew everything, but as already established in this thread and in the videos, Linus was not copied in nor was the correct dept at LTT copied in for the waterblock to be managed correctly.
Not going to put any blame on Billet here for sending a prototype product without a spec sheet or formal agreement on how to use, how to test, how to store, how to return, fines/penalties and more? Works both ways and although LTT has not done amazing, Billet have also shown they are horrifically naïve in managing a new product to the market.