Mafia 2 demo!

4 Feb 2004
Fife, Scotland
Yep, exactly what it's done.

It was a maybe for me, but having played the demo for a couple of hours without getting bored, i'll definitely be getting this.

Same here. And as far as the timer crack issue goes, here's the rub and I'm sure many will agree. At first when I played the demo I thought it was pretty good. Basically rushed through it though and started the mission. Watching and being mindful of the timer counting down, I was looking around thinking "Oohh!!!....that looks interesting but I better not stop to take in the views".

After that I thought - "Yeah, I'll most probably buy this". Then I used the timer patch and it allowed me to have a wander around the available area. That was when I defo decided I'd be buying the game.

So I reckon the fact that there were processes put in place to only allow you to explore a small amount of the city were more than enough to limit you in the first place from a demo point of view. Putting a timer in on top of that was a mistake in my opinion and simply unnecessary. It may in fact have put some people off or not allowed them to fully make their minds up as to whether to purchase/preorder the game.

Finally, for the game devs to moan about "people stealing the game" by applying the timer patch which allows the player to further explore their game demo and see even more of what will be on offer should they decide to purchase it is frankly, ridiculous. :rolleyes:
9 Mar 2006
Having played this a bit more I'm liking it less and less, the city is just boring and the cops annoying, talk about spawning. The city has far too many copy and paste sections, one street had the same store front 3 times in a row. And then there's the two clothes shops that are...exactly identical. It's games like this that make you realise just how well GTA4 is designed, it feels positively real next to this.

I have a feeling this will still have a good story so I'll probably rent it.
9 Mar 2006
Same here. And as far as the timer crack issue goes, here's the rub and I'm sure many will agree. At first when I played the demo I thought it was pretty good. Basically rushed through it though and started the mission. Watching and being mindful of the timer counting down, I was looking around thinking "Oohh!!!....that looks interesting but I better not stop to take in the views".

After that I thought - "Yeah, I'll most probably buy this". Then I used the timer patch and it allowed me to have a wander around the available area. That was when I defo decided I'd be buying the game.

So I reckon the fact that there were processes put in place to only allow you to explore a small amount of the city were more than enough to limit you in the first place from a demo point of view. Putting a timer in on top of that was a mistake in my opinion and simply unnecessary. It may in fact have put some people off or not allowed them to fully make their minds up as to whether to purchase/preorder the game.

Finally, for the game devs to moan about "people stealing the game" by applying the timer patch which allows the player to further explore their game demo and see even more of what will be on offer should they decide to purchase it is frankly, ridiculous. :rolleyes:

Summed it up in one. I remember the Saint's Row demo, let you explore a limited area for as long as you want and try out a fair few missions. Because of the generosity of that demo I ended up buying a new IP game that I might not have bought.
24 Oct 2005
North East
Yeah the cops are annoying. I steal a car fine but they like always see the theft even when i look about and no one is there. Then their is the get out of stolen car when cops have been evaded and go back in the car and its like u just stole it again and the cops instantly come after u. Very annoying. Also do they shoot at u from the car in chase if so why the hell cant i shoot from a moving car. GTA did it.
9 Mar 2006
And the A.I. is dire, hid behind the counter in the gun shop to have a stand off with the cops, one by one they walked along the window as if not knowing I was there and got shot by me, they were actually walking over their dead buddies :/ Then occasionally they would just stand around out front looking at cars until I walked out.
15 May 2009
PCZOne review score this game 88, probably why it's their last edition....
This game is amazing
defo getting it, just intime for a bday present..
17 Nov 2008
Having played this a bit more I'm liking it less and less, the city is just boring and the cops annoying, talk about spawning. The city has far too many copy and paste sections, one street had the same store front 3 times in a row. And then there's the two clothes shops that are...exactly identical. It's games like this that make you realise just how well GTA4 is designed, it feels positively real next to this.

I have a feeling this will still have a good story so I'll probably rent it.
Yeah, because the gun shops and clothes shops in GTA IV were all different...

I just saw one Ctrl+Alt+Del site, the guy twittered, "But what kind of sandbox game doesn't let you shoot civilians? /sadface. Also I was a little surprised to see porn in the demo, heh". From the demo, I was definitely able to shoot and kill civilians. What is he talking about?
28 Jan 2008
Why are people acting like complete douches?

Amazing gameplay? Tick
Great Soundtrack? Tick
Looks great? Tick
Runs well on a range of systems? Tick

Geez the amount of crap ports lately, with no demos or any way of telling if they are good or not without being naugty and downloading for free.. And people slating? wtf
9 Mar 2006
amazing gameplay? What makes it amazing exactly? Seems pretty similar to what's been done before to me :confused: I'm not saying it isn't good but it certainly isn't amazing going from that demo.
1 Feb 2009
Amazing exciting shootouts with great cover system, physx, weapons have awesome punch and feel, I love that headshot means enemy is dead (or you are dead)

Amazing driving fifties muscle cars, perfect handling on x360pad with simulation mode

Amazing atmosphere of the city just oozing the fifties atmosphere, the sense of detail is just incredible

Amazing optimalization, I get 50-60 fps on everything maxed incl. PhysX (with cloth tweak) and it looks stunning, much better than GTA

Amazing looking story that won't be about guy doing errands for people he hates all the time (I am looking at you, everyGTAinexistence)

that about sums it up
9 Jul 2009
I played the demo it looks quite good so I have pre-ordered it. I haven't played the first one yet, so I am going to borrow it off a friend to play before mafia 2 arrives.
11 Oct 2005
Yeah, because the gun shops and clothes shops in GTA IV were all different...

I just saw one Ctrl+Alt+Del site, the guy twittered, "But what kind of sandbox game doesn't let you shoot civilians? /sadface. Also I was a little surprised to see porn in the demo, heh". From the demo, I was definitely able to shoot and kill civilians. What is he talking about?

Can definitely shoot civilians. It wouldn't let me punch a woman in the face though. She was giving me lip. What sort of gangster doesn't punch a lippy woman in the face?
10 Nov 2006
Can some-one help please.
I have a 5970 and I struggling with these physx mod's.

The hole clothes fix works quite well and improves the frame when going outside my house, but that was never really my problem anyway.

The problem being is te debris, the more there is the slower the framerate goes and never picks back up, its like a use of memory storeing it or something. Has this got some-thing to do with the Physx being run on the GPU istead of CPU or Vice versa? If so how do I change it on an ATI card.

I'm using 10.7 drivers with the latest Physx from NV, other than the debris is all run very smooth.
(Posted in GPU section also)
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