Mafia 2 demo!

23 Mar 2007
Is it worth me using AA at a resolution of 1600x900? I ran the bench and with aa on i got 52fps average and with it off 58fps average. Just dont know if its worth losing the 6fps with it on as i could not really see any major difference as the graphics are pretty smart anyway. I OC my GPU with aa off and it got me up to 55fps so might see if i can push the card somemore.

Does this game utilize the GPU more rather than the CPU compared to gta which just loved the cpu!
18 Feb 2009
Well Im defo gonna buy this but I have a few reservations...

1. No shooting from car windows while being the driver
2. No melee weapons...

Ive read about the first point and the developers justified this by saying that they wanted to focus more on the car chases and getting away from police, but I wanna hang my 1911 out the window and shoot out tyres and pull a 90 degree handbreak turn in my car then fire out the window with a thompson.

The second point I cant understand...? No baseball bats? No knives?

I played and completed the original Mafia, and it had both these features, so why is the sequal missing them?
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18 Feb 2009
Ive checked on the developers forum and they are not.

They have a post on there for questions and those are 2 of the questions, they are not in the full game.
1 Feb 2009
They probably aren't.

They were experimenting with melee weapons - there is video on youtube where they are showing combat system in testbed environment and Vito has baseball bat there - but I assume they ran out of time to perfectly implement and polish it. 2K Czech are perfectionists, and rather than include something that is not completely polished they will exclude it completely. I hope they could include those things in future DLCs/patches though.
18 Feb 2009
I dont understand why they would not include it tho, cause they have a pretty decent fighting system, surely you could have added bats/knives to that?

and why no shooting out of the window? :(
15 Oct 2008
North West
.... surely you could have added bats/knives to that?
The text_default.sds file decompressed courtesy of Ekey at xentax lists some melee weapons. Whether they are usable or not I don't know. Given it's a file listing the game text, one could assume it is, perhaps the text you get when hovering over a weapon/item to pick up.

Rather interestingly it has text for multiplayer "%s joined the Game!", "Reason : High ping.", "!!! TEAM KILL !!! %s killed %s!" etc.. future DLC MP which might relate to Jimmy's Vendetta? It lists the DLC packs too, so I guess we pay twice. ;)
18 Oct 2002
Annoying how crap some of the sounds are, the tommygun being the standout one..sounds nothing like a tommygun at all. Barely sounds ;like a gun for that matter, sounds more like someone with a stick slapping a piece of plastic.
10 Dec 2007
I'm playing on my laptop (as I don't have a big fancy PC) and it runs fine to start most of the time but occasionally gets very slow. Still good fun to play and hoping that the issues will be fixed in a patch after release.

Everyone complaining about the map being a bit "basic" with storefronts repeating and lacking atmosphere, have we all missed the sign at the start of the demo about this not being the same in the final release?
1 Nov 2008
Finally got the 9800 GTX to run for hardware physx to go along with my 5870, heres the results, I kept all settings the same, just added the tweaks for the apex cloth folder.


Medium physx with no cloth.

Medium physx with only vito cloth.

Medium physx with full cloth.

It's playable like over 30fps without cloth, with cloth for vito only it dips into the 20's now & again, with no apex effects taken out it really struggles on high so overall physx doesn't introduce anything spectactular, not enough for me to switch from a 5870 to a £400 480 & then another nvidia card for dedicated physx so I'll be going back to just a 5870 & forget about physx & keep my 60fps, I value nice smooth frame rate over dust, smoke & debris with horrible frame rate :), but would be nice to have a kickass enough system to be able to run everything max with smooth fps, but that would cost way too much for me so I'm out on the physx :).

The awfully low minimum frame rate must be when the scene switches to people running away from the gun fight for a split second, most of the time I run the benchmark it's around 10, sometimes 20 lol so it's not a highly reliable benchmark, but not too shabby.

Even with medium physx & vito's clothes swaying it checked up as just about ok in the bench, but when actually playing the level it dropped into early 20's, so laters physx :D.

Still can't wait to get the game, gonna be awesome :cool:.

Just sold my GTX285, gutted, maybe that would have done better.
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4 Feb 2004
Fife, Scotland

Escaped!!! :D :-



Wee bit pointless as apparently if you stray to far away from the other side of the red barrier, the game restarts. Damn!!. Fun for a few minutes though.

Don't think I was supposed to park these here :p :-

9 Mar 2006
Amazing exciting shootouts with great cover system, physx, weapons have awesome punch and feel, I love that headshot means enemy is dead (or you are dead)

Combat is fairly average, there have been a thousand games with cover systems exactly the same as this, especially in recent years. But you're right, no game has ever had headshots mean death before...

Amazing driving fifties muscle cars, perfect handling on x360pad with simulation mode

Handling seems no better or worse than other games like this.

Amazing atmosphere of the city just oozing the fifties atmosphere, the sense of detail is just incredible

Can you give an example of the sense of detail? The world feels far less lifelike than GTA4 to me.

Amazing optimalization, I get 50-60 fps on everything maxed incl. PhysX (with cloth tweak) and it looks stunning, much better than GTA

You just invented a word, the game doesn't look stunning to me, very nice but nothing amazing.

Amazing looking story that won't be about guy doing errands for people he hates all the time (I am looking at you, everyGTAinexistence)

that about sums it up

How do you know this from a 1 mission demo?
14 Oct 2009
Newport, Shropshire
I have to say i did not like the GTA series due to weak story lines (imo)
This game i love the cover system, i know many other games have one but teamed up with fairly realistic deaths i think this works better then most. From the short story part it seems it will have a good strong line (i may be wrong though).
My niggles are the peoples deaths, you shoot someone in the chest with the revolver and a couple of seconds later they are up and fighting you some more :(
Now for the graphics.
My machine struggled to get past 15 fps maxed out so i knocked all the setttings to low and the resolution down a bit and i was getting 60fps plus, the graphics looked no where near as good though

So all in all i think it will be a fairly decent game compared to most but nothing awesome in my eyes.
29 Sep 2003
Not darn sarf
One of the best demos i've played tbh.

The music score really generates a Mafiosa atmosphere. Runs as smooth as silk with top graphics. For PC gaming this is a revelation.

'Run after the fat ****' :D
10 Jan 2010
Here are some of my comments after playing for probably 1hr30.

RADIO - excellent
Great soundtrack from Elvis rocknroll to classic (40s perhaps 30s?) tunes (not sure what the other station suppose to be (jazz/foreign music - there are only 3 stations)

funny "GTA-feel" radio presenter/commercials which makes the radio fun to listen to... some of the inventions of the time e.g. car telephone funny - "what will they invent next? - washing machines in cars?"

STREETS - average
Again, very "GTA-feel" conversations that I heard people say, quite amuzing e.g. topic about radio "have you heard what they put on the radio lately it's ridiculus?" and then they preceed to talk about that everyone should go to church if they want to listen to music and a very 1d view of what people should do.
The streets seem very dry when you walk around with a gun and even point it in someones face no response (just look at you) - only the police seem to respond
bribing policeman seem to easy if stealing cars.

police will shoot you if you run someone over, there seems to be **** police elevation i.e. more stars the more effort police will try and stop you

SHOPS - above average
Nothing really new, standard stuff in GTA buy food/guns/clothes
Intereting theme ('50s) in terms of prices e.g. cola cost $0.10
Like the fact that I can rob the cash register and steal the contents of the items (coke/guns etc)
can customise cars a bit like GTASA

CARS - average
only due to lack of choice but I hope it's because it's a demo. I like the car handling on Simulation mode...infact it's the only version I played.
btw i should add that i am playing this on a 360 remote and i can see if people get frustrated of spinning about if on a keyboard because the accerator is flatout all the time (better w/the axis/different pressure of the trigger buttons on the remote)

SHOOTINGS - below average *it works*
nothing new, standard stuff really, no auto aim on 360 remote (it seems) which is annoying I find shooting easier w/ mouse (btw i like FPS games on key/mouse and games like this on 360 pad.

I do believe that Mafia II got delayed due to them implementing NVIDIA PHYSX/APEX...perhaps if it did not get delayed and apex was released later/not implemented but was released closer to the time of GTAIV release I would think it would be more favourable.

Will I buy the game? yes. I still have it on preorder.
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