Mafia 3

I am being bloody serious lads, the graphics are awful. The 30fps no longer bothers me as they a re fixing it, the graphics are so bad I went back and played mafia 2 rofl

misread your comment mate i thought you were sayign the ps4 was 90's graphics :D

I wouldn't say the graphics are awful but they do look "updated from II" rather than next gen.
Those screenshots look so blury on the textures. Gta 5 had better, even gta 4 even dare i say mafia 2.

Mafia 2 imo looks a lot nicer than mafia 3. The lighting might be a little better in 3 but texture and style wise, 2 wins from screenshots ive seen here.
Everyone is hating on it and here I am counting down the clock to spend a few more hours on it

Half of them are crying over nothing, we know a patch will fix the fps plus the statement did say with other improvements and at the end of the day it looks okay, Not out of this world but it's decent enough, Plus from what I can see using a third party tweaker like Sweet FX fixes it up rather nicely, I spent half an hour in game to see how it felt and it's not that bad, I will wait for the patch but that's simply because I can..
Mafia games were focused more on the story than the visuals though so if people were expecting GTAV levels of detail no wonder it doesn't stack up.
misread your comment mate i thought you were sayign the ps4 was 90's graphics :D

I wouldn't say the graphics are awful but they do look "updated from II" rather than next gen.

No worries mate, I think the consoles probably look the same with Mafia 3. Maybe the modders can make the game look better.
Everyone is hating on it and here I am counting down the clock to spend a few more hours on it

Yep, am just waiting on the patch. But from what I have pleased so far its excellent.
The acting Key to a game like this is top quality. The driving my worry isn't that bad either set it on sim mode and its much better.
Yep, am just waiting on the patch. But from what I have pleased so far its excellent.
The acting Key to a game like this is top quality. The driving my worry isn't that bad either set it on sim mode and its much better.

The game is good, let down by the 30fps cap and hud elements being forced on you but otherwise the voice acting, delivery and storyline are set up nicely!
Started downloading last night, preorderdd it months ago. And after reading all this, I still don't regret it... There hasn't been a bad Mafia game. They all look beautiful in their own way, and there will be mods and tweaks etc soon to style it to your own liking anyway...

£23 it cost me, with the DLC, iv wasted 3x than that on a crap night out.
The game is good, let down by the 30fps cap and hud elements being forced on you but otherwise the voice acting, delivery and storyline are set up nicely!

Even the gun play is very nice, the weapons have a gun kick to them. another worry of mine I went to EGX and seen gameplay and I noticed just how much sponge the enemy was so far this isn't the case. I start on hard though..
Started downloading last night, preorderdd it months ago. And after reading all this, I still don't regret it... There hasn't been a bad Mafia game. They all look beautiful in their own way, and there will be mods and tweaks etc soon to style it to your own liking anyway...

£23 it cost me, with the DLC, iv wasted 3x than that on a crap night out.

This price is why I pre-order also..
Yep, am just waiting on the patch. But from what I have pleased so far its excellent.
The acting Key to a game like this is top quality. The driving my worry isn't that bad either set it on sim mode and its much better.

Yeah I think the acting is great. I also like the way it's progressing with cut scenes and the feeling that someone is reporting it all years in the future. Brilliant stuff.
Not got loads of cutscenes has it, too many games have too many long drawn out scenes that arnt skippable.

It's a Mafia game which is reliant on story. It's got a few but it's not MGS4.

How does the gun play compare to 2, which was pretty bland cover based?

Feels a bit tighter than Mafia 2 but same cover based. Though it's quite nice seeing your bullet holes in peoples faces :p
Not got loads of cutscenes has it, too many games have too many long drawn out scenes that arnt skippable.

They are skippable..but it's a mafia game if you aren't interested in the storyline fair enough but it's their main attraction.
Story is very important which is why i play em. But cutscenes pre rendered ones are a bore. Ingame ones arnt too bad, long as there just like 20-40 seconds not minutes long.
just played my first hour of the game and its excellent so far i really like it, its pretty much everything i was expecting. gonna jump back on after lunch.
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