Mafia 3

It's got bugs galore, textures vary from good to bad to worse, and the 30fps things been gone over enough and I'm an ol fart who prolly cant tell the difference but it seems smooth enough for me...

But I reckon plays OK though for the type of game it is, and underneath is a right good game with great tunes, great story line so yeah looking forwards to the patch but not gonna lose a weekend gaming over it all.

Great game all in all, going to be a lot better too... i hope :-) Lincoln's one cool mudda as well...
Anyone getting weird lighting issues in the day? one second its dull then really bright white? its so annoying, think ill wait a few months for some big patches to sort this game out.
Yeah that's across PC, PS4 and Xbox One. Everyone is getting that unfortunately :(

2 rackets secured..

One the rackets, earn: $40,000/50,000 for example. How do I increase it?
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Hey guys I have mixed emotions about Mafia 3 but I think I like it..:confused:

Anyway watch me play the game if you like (had to skip some parts as the game crashed lol and also some copyrighted content)....:cool:

Enjoying the game so far, but my only gripes.

  • Controls feel clunky.
  • Graphics don't look that great.
  • Had a couple of CTD'd during mission loading.
Lol look at the textures on the train line wooden sleepers, look like a ps2 texture
Disappointing yet another game (after FH3) comes out on PC with a raft of issues, the 30 FPS lock is bizarre and I wont be playing until it's sorted.

Also does the game fail to close down properly for anyone else on Steam? Mine just keeps running so I have to manually shut down the process.
The junk is riddled with problems Nismo, from mafia 2 textures, awful AI, obviously the fps cap, resolution issues for many, crashes and not starting up for many and lots of other problems. Makes you question if they actually bothered testing it on PC, they must have thought "ahh the console version is fine for them". Idiots.
The game was too mediocre for me, it felt repetitive, very basic gameplay and had too many bugs/issues so with just under 2 hours played got a Steam refund, confirmation came through just now.

Might try GoW4 instead.
Is that footage representative of "normal" ai behaviour, or some kind of bug the player ran into? If it's the former
Is that footage representative of "normal" ai behaviour, or some kind of bug the player ran into? If it's the former

Not seen ai behaviour like that in my 6 hours so far.

Might try GoW4 instead.

I've got gears, great game but...I assume you've played gears before? It's the height of repetitive gameplay.
30fps cap is unacceptable. And they need to fix major issues. I won't play until a few patches are released.
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