Magners - where's it all gone

A5H said:
What the hell?
I thought the lime was just for a nice taste.
How does it stop fizz?
And why would you only do it with spanish lagers? Other bottled lager is sure to be fizzy :/

im not entirely sure, i believe its for a bit of both... ragarding other bottles beers im not sure.
Kell_ee001 said:
It's Strongbow on ice.

It's also the Irish version of white lightening :p
Its nothing to do with Strongbow, and its the smoothest cider I've tried. Nothing like white lightning or any other of your chav drinks. Get back to Bigg ;)

[edit]Neon, lime is nothing to do with stopping fizz :) Its also nothing to do with getting rid of flies.
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Never tried Magners, but a big fan of Scrumpy Jack, ice cold on a hot day,cold day, any day, everyday. The 2-3 440ml tins i drink everyday make me a binge drinker :confused: I always thought of a binge drink consuming 10-15 pints on a friday night, saturday night.
when i was over in Southern Ireland last year most of the people i was staying with sweared by a bottle of Bulmers and a pint glass of ice on a warm evening and i can see why that would have caught on as its a nice way to spend the evening, but give me some real ale any day
The whole lime in a corona thing stems from when they originally made it, they had to put lime in it to neutralise the rats urine :eek:

or so ive been told from a reliable source!
Strongbow, Strongbow Sirrus, Magners, Woodpecker, Kopparburg or whatever - it's all good, just as long as its not damn blackthorn!
Neon said:
funniest thing i heard ever.

we give bottles from the back of the fridge and put lime in to stop the fizz. :)

ive never heard that as the reason. the spanish/mexican flies thing is what ive heard.
kemistry said:
The whole lime in a corona thing stems from when they originally made it, they had to put lime in it to neutralise the rats urine :eek:

or so ive been told from a reliable source!
Interesting theory.

Unfortunately as much cobblers as the flies theory.
if anything Corona is worst than stella and now magners for a posers drink, I can go around Wigan and see everybody drinkin it, its crap and ooooh there is a lime in it

change is not good.

Also I heard rats can get access to the bottles from either warehouses/brewers/cellars and they wee on the bottles ;)

Mmmmm :)
the JD is the winner every time.

when i hear cider i always think chav and his white lightning. ive tried cider once and was horrid....never again
Seriously, to anyone who is in ASDA/Tesco looking for this stuff, pick up a bottle of Weston's and do a comparison. . Well try to, there isn't one :D . They're about £1.60 for 500ml. This is coming from an irish guy living in the South West. Westons for the win!
cheets64 said:
if anything Corona is worst than stella and now magners for a posers drink, I can go around Wigan and see everybody drinkin it, its crap and ooooh there is a lime in it

change is not good.
Sorry Mr. eliteist drinker, sir- what pray tell should we be drinking that wont offend you then?
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