Mains cable missing from box

Done that - put a 5a fuse in. Powered up fine. Won’t accept WiFi password now, though. Does it need to be wired first time?

It's fine to connect over WiFi without needing a wired connection first. Check that your shift/caps lock keys are working properly and you've got all the right capitals and small-case letters in the password. There would have been keyboard region options to choose when you went through the setup so if you accidentally selected the wrong region ("English - US" rather than "English - UK" is a common mistake) then the keys printed on the keyboard won't match up with the characters actually entered in some cases. The @ symbol for example is in a different place on US keyboards.
Is it effecting other devices? If you've just set up both new computers they'll both be downloading windows updates and things so might be sucking up your broadband capacity with that?
As I ran through the initial setup, it couldn’t see the WiFi at all. I had to continue without WiFi, then go to settings. Troubleshooting got it connected, but it’s very slow. Just running a speed test.
Also it's a pain in the ass getting kettle leads tbh I've pinched some from dead equipment from work in the past as kettles now normally have the leads wired in!
Cheer up Acme.

OP, Windows might be pulling down some updates in the background, it'll probably take a couple hours to get it ready to install games on and be ready to play - sure the kids will love them.
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