So the basic gist of it is, Joseph W Evans, Jr is asking for $250k from Zellner with substantial amounts of cash up front just to talk to him. Combine that with the fact he previously claimed that Steven Avery confessed to him, that he did kill Hallbach, leads me to believe that if you gave Joseph W Evans, Jr an enema, you could bury him in a matchbox.
If you read his "confession", he basically claims he turned up at the junk yard, saw her car, saw her - bashed her over the head with a rock, found Avery's gun, shot her - then he follows the trail of evidence that was released from the trial and from the making a murderer documentary, but he makes one fatal mistake;
He claims he planted Steven Avery's blood, which he collected from a band-aid he stole from Avery's trailer, however the blood spatter stains found inside Hallbach's Rav4 and Steven Avery's own car, were from 'active bleeding' then you have the problem of trying to get a; liquid blood, from a band aid - followed by b: enough of it, to plant it in over 6 different locations, each time fooling blood spatter analysts.
He did all of this, without being seen or heard by anyone, without leaving a single trace anywhere, then all of this is contradicted by Steven Avery himself, who testified (after he changed his story several times) that Teresa did actually go inside his trailer, and Joseph W Evans, Jr never featured anywhere at any point... They can't all have been there at the same time and not have bumped into each other...
it's all BS.