There are some important things to notice about Dis86's response, even though it is quite short. These points below can also be made against other comments in this thread, but I don't have the time to explain each and every one of them.
I have no interest in changing your mind Dis86 because I honestly think you are not a decent person and furthermore it is a lost cause persuading you over an internet forum.
But to those that are reading this that are on the fence... If you are undecided on what is 'right', please pay attention to how these responses are constructed in a way that normalises harmful behaviour. All I would say is that we all have the chance to be better people to each other and its all someone we should want to do.
My main post was about how this 'joke' was disgraceful behaviour and a symbol of racism and oppression. I have given a logical progression explaining how such thoughts occur.
- Racism is an awful thing and it has enabled a lot of suffering.
- Racists find ways to dehumanise others.
- In this case by saying that black people look like/are a bit like apes.
- Hence bananas are thrown at them or sent to them in a pub.
- These kinds of 'jokes'/symbols are an insidiousness as it means the above mentality can creeps into the mindset of people and they let their prejudices cause harm to others.
Now, lets get back to this response.
1) Bringing up unrelated things to show 'both sides'. Racists will often say 'well A is not a problem, because B happened as well'. Look carefully about the first line about African cities. Let's even take it as true, as I have no specific reason to doubt it. But how does any of this negate my logical chain as just presented above? Surely it must do otherwise why it is being used in this response? I will spare you the answer. It doesn't. It does open up other discussions about the global histories of inequalities and oppression, but that isn't what we are talking about. So WHAT if there were historical black slave owners over white people 500 years ago? In the context of this discussion, a white person has dehumanised a black person by using bananas to symbolise that they are sub-human, which I am saying is a bad thing. Do these three African cities or that it has happened since the dawn of time hence it's okay? Or something about black people... deserving it?
What was done here was an attempt to appeal to everyone's innate desire for fairness by bringing up other 'bad things'. But it simply doesn't work here. Appalling things like racism have no place in a decent society, it doesn't matter what was done when etc etc. end of.
2) Reduced to picking apart semantics, in an effort to appear educated and come from a position of authority. If the base argument I was making (the 1-5 steps) were wrong, it should be very easy to break apart this chain in a logical sense. But instead, this response is using 'evidence' to undermine some specific examples or facts I have attempted to use to back up the logic. This is a laser focus on semantics, picking tiny holes again to make it seem like they are in the right. But it's a complete failure when you look at it with scrutiny. Firstly because it doesn't break apart my core reasoning (which really is the main test, and this is also a good point,
racism doesn't stand up to any logical scrutiny), but even against the semantics there was a poor attempt. Firstly, re: slavery in living memory. Let's scroll up.
While it is true that slavery in the UK was abolished a longer time ago... who here can sit back and categorically state that my intention with this sentence is to talk about slavery and slavery alone? I talk about other forms of oppression. Black people have had an extremely hard time in recent living memory at the hands of white people, who have been in a dominant position of power across the world for the last few centuries generally speaking. Its similar for the final sentence, focusing on the wording rather than attempting to understand the message.
I am not saying this banana 'joke' is racial discrimination.
What I am saying is that a person like you Dis86 would dismiss any form of racial discrimination they see in front of their eyes as 'whining'.
I'm not sure any form of 'looking things up' will change that for you.