Manchester Bombing *** Please remain respectful and refrain from antagonising posts ***

No but it's a genuine reaction at least, more valuable that the usual mawkish, pandering, virtue-signalling, sterile response that we've become used to over the last 16 years.

Now that I agree with, although it's been going on a lot longer than 16 years.

Sterile press releases and comments by an entire spectrum of the population seems to be the standard unfortunately.

But then that's pretty much politics and PR in a nut shell. Inane drivel with no actual useful input.
some slightly amusing tweets from a police related account re: soldiers on the streets



Someone in Swansea just informed me they have a 'bomb threat' there. They were just going to the bank and everyone was being evacuated apparently. Don't know how substantial the 'threat' is or isn't.
Someone in Swansea just informed me they have a 'bomb threat' there. They were just going to the bank and everyone was being evacuated apparently. Don't know how substantial the 'threat' is or isn't.

I suspect with the heightened tension and security level, extra vigilance is being taken against unattended bags etc. which will undoubtedly lead to evacuations due to perceived bomb threats.
Good points, well made.

Yea, that was a good post by xvphic

That's just it, I don't know. However I find it difficult to accept that all we can do is just plod on and hope for the best, it's a shame.

I just don't think we are plodding on and hoping for the best. I think we are spending a lot of time, money and effort (by the intelligence and security services) to try and stop the attacks on our home soil and a lot of time, money and effort (by our military) in defeating them in their 'homelands' in the middle east

If it's what we as individuals can do, then no, I don't think there is a lot we can do. I certainly don't ascribe to the implications scorza et al try to unsubtly hint at, that we should personally fight/riot in the streets, or deuse openly saying how we should react like the football hooligans did and smash up their places of gathering.

The attacker's imam said earlier that it was clear he was a hateful individual and he rejected peaceful teachings - that should immediately - in an extremist terror context - set alarm bells ringing. That imam should be explaining this to the security services. If it looks like someone might end up being a terrorist, or they exhibit these signs of behaviour, they need to be looked at. If this means larger budgets for the intelligence services, then so be it.

Did the imam say that in a way that he knew the attacker was like that while he was attending the mosque - as that would be very worrying and yes, he should be informing the authorities!
Or was it in the way that his actions now show that's what he was like - but not obvious while attending the mosque.

:: I should add, I think it's amazing there haven't been more attacks and obviously we are doing something right, but I can see this all getting worse, not better.

It probably will get worse in the short term, this is going to go on for years and we are going to suffer more attacks and deaths, we just have to put our faith in our Security, Military and if it comes down to it Politicians to bring this to an end.
I am just going to retire to Lerwick or Stornoway..somewhere quiet away from the madness of the rest of Britain
One problem is many many British scroats display hateful tendencies and reject peaceful ideals. Do we also round them up for the camp?

Its all a bit minority report without the actual precogs. :p

Because we are not going in guns blazing every day doesnt really follow we are doing nothing/plodding on.
Well considering it somehow "allowed" the graceful and intelligent Katie Hopkins to suggest genocide was acceptable, then yeah, she and her kin should be the first to get the far-right treatment.
Can you explain it to me because I have no clue what's going on.

Basically the west has been playing at world police and gun shop for the last century or so and now it's come back to bite us.

Honestly think we should leave the middle east to slaughter itself straight at this point. This Islamic problem needs an Islamic solution, anything else will be seen as the big bad west poking it's nose where not wanted, creating more Jihadists.
I just don't think we are plodding on and hoping for the best. I think we are spending a lot of time, money and effort (by the intelligence and security services) to try and stop the attacks on our home soil and a lot of time, money and effort (by our military) in defeating them in their 'homelands' in the middle east

I didn't mean it quite like that, it's just that it all feels very generic when this sort of things happens, in any civilised country. Ultimately though I'm sure much more is going on we aren't aware of, behind the scenes.

If it's what we as individuals can do, then no, I don't think there is a lot we can do. I certainly don't ascribe to the implications scorza et al try to unsubtly hint at, that we should personally fight/riot in the streets, or deuse openly saying how we should react like the football hooligans did and smash up their places of gathering.

Absolutely not - that would make us no better than them. Certainly though if there are places of gathering that the intelligence services have concerns about (as has happened before), they need to be able to monitor it very carefully without fear of a backlash.

It probably will get worse in the short term, this is going to go on for years and we are going to suffer more attacks and deaths, we just have to put our faith in our Security, Military and if it comes down to it Politicians to bring this to an end.

Agreed. Though sadly it is stemming from other countries than our own, and they may not be able to sort it (Libya, Syria, etc).
How did you find working with them? My friend went into 1 Para a while back and possibly into SAS/SBS. He had a few stories to tell while in 1 Para, sounded much more interesting than his previous unit, 2 Para.

It was all business really - I did some work for SCRDE at one point. Got on quite well with them though as turned out a couple were from my home town.

EDIT: Supposedly there is also sorts deployed today - even some personnel from RMP close protection, etc. not just units who have a special forces or EOD background, etc.
The terrorists are winning, hence why they haven't stopped. Our strategy for defeating them isn't working.

How are they winning?

They haven't managed to change anything. They haven't managed to turn anything but a small minority of the population against British/western Muslims and immigrants, they haven't managed to change any laws in Britain to benefit them. They haven't managed to hold their own territory after their initial push and they haven't managed to persuade the west to rise up against itself and declare a caliphate. Heck, they seem to have totally failed to do that in the Middle East too.

Depending on how you count it Islamic terrorists have killed less people than Bees and Wasps, and in fact bathtubs are significantly more dangerous to the general public than these fools.

Yes it's a terrible tragedy for those that have lost someone, such as in all deaths, but let's get some perspective before we get all hysterical here and end up inadvertently helping them. That's not to say we shouldn't be taking the risk seriously however.

I'm not convinced 'business as usual' is really going to make another terror attack less likely to happen in future. If men won't stand up and fight for their wives and daughters, what will they fight for?

Read the latest Katie Hopkins "hate speech" I see.

And about that, why aren't the women allowed to stand up and fight for themselves?
For that to happen Muslims would have to come together to solve one of the biggest divisions in Islam and that ain't going to happen any time soon.

Indeed, which is why we are fighting a never ending battle. They alone have the power to stop this.

May could start our war on terror by stopping selling vast quantities of arms to states that support rogue states. They are all at it though, the war mongers need their $$$, even earlier this week Trump has signed a $100Billion deal with the Saudi's despite blaming them for 9.11 less than 12 months ago.

True, that would hinder them slightly but that won't stop people exploding bombs here in the UK and else where.
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