Bomb disposal tech maybe?
Definitely something along those lines as he isn't carrying an SA80 either - looks like C8/L119 variant.
EDIT: Looking at the bigger image looks like C8/L119 of some kind.
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Bomb disposal tech maybe?
Douglas Murray has been labelled a racist numerous times on The Big Questions for criticising Islam.
12 years, 7/7 was 2005
Loadout looks like Pathfinders but again I'm not familiar enough to be sure.
What exactly does he have on his back here? Radio? Genuinely curious.
What exactly does he have on his back here? Radio? Genuinely curious.
It's going to be Special Forces not Pathfinders. Pathfinders are used for recon, creating and securing dropzones, amongst a load of other things. Kicking down the door of a suspected terrorist is a job for SAS or possibly CTSFO.
The Islamic hate preacher in question has never run for election (he probably disagrees with democracy), it wasn't at nine election hustings that Khan shared the stage with him. I mean, would you attend an event like Global Peace and Unity, organised by the Islam Channel, a TV station that advocates marital rape? If a Tory MP had done the liberals would be up in arms. Smart enough to see through the smears or too busy virtue-signalling and pandering to see what's really going on under their noses?Oh God, not this nonsense again. Sadiq Khan has no links to extremism and Londoners were smart enough to see through the smears during the mayoral election.
Standing on the stage with someone doesn't mean that you share their views. Sadiq Khan "shared a platform" with the EDL and BNP during the mayoral election but no-one is accusing him of being xenophobic.
Those police men look scary!
.. and it's thanks to all that unity and love out there.It is kind of weird to see the variety of armed law and military units on the streets.
It is kind of weird to see the variety of armed law and military units on the streets.
.. and it's thanks to all that unity and love out there.
That's the problem. Politics and dialogue is the best tactic for defeating terrorism, history shows us that, but in this case these guys seem to have little to no intention to start dialogue, so we just need to wipe them off the face of the earth.
Just easier said than done