Manchester Meet-Up

11 Apr 2004
Manchester French Car Meet-Up

Don't think we've had one of these before, so here we go.

Just gauging interest for a Manchester mini-meet this month. I go away on holiday for a week on the 21st August, so either before then, or early September... before the RR would be good. Get to know a few faces beforehand.

I was basically thinking of cymatty (cheers for the idea matey), Worthy, Andi and Goliath. I know Coco lives in Manchester, and any other people nearby.

I'm guessing the M60/M62 span quite a way throughout Manchester and Bolton, so perhaps we could meet at a service station along there.

Anybody for this?

----- Update -----

Suggested meeting date is the 14th August 2005, around 11am at a service station along the M62 motorway, between junction 18 and 19.

If you're a definite for the 14th, please e-mail me to let me know :) In trust.

Attendee List (definitely available for the 14th)
agw_01 - Rover 214 - Andrew
Paradigm - Saxo VTR - Elliot
thedazman67 - Renault 5 - Daz
cymatty - Saxo VTR - Simon
Firestar_3x - Renault Clio - Mark
Deadley123 - Peugeot 205 - Please confirm this mate :)
GT3 - Saxo VTR
paulspiteri - Rover 214 - Paul
Coco - Renault Clio 172
Astra Coupe 2.2 - Andrew

Possible Attendee List
Trickle - ?
Tupac - Vauxhall Corsa - Said he is still up for it in another thread.
MattPC - Citroen Xantia HDi - Provided he can collect his car in time.
Braeden - Nissan 200SX - Lee - Back problems will keep us updated.
Mike - Boxster - Needs to rearrange his Sunday Golf.
Gilly - Clio Cup - You know you want to :p

Provisional Meeting Plan
The plan so far is to meet along services on the M62 (here) and then proceed towards Saddleworth to find a place to stop, have lunch and talk about the day ahead... also a good opportunity to get some nice mug shots to post on the forums when we get back home :p

After the meal, the general idea is to go for a drive and possible stop for another chat afterwards. No idea where we'll end up after the drive though.

The roads lead back to the M62 motorway, so people can simply go off in their seperate ways after the meet has ended.

From what I can tell, there will be a group MSN conversation to discuss the meet on Thursday evening. If everyone who is 99% sure they can go could add me to MSN (and either e-mail me or post in the thread showing the first part of their e-mail address) it'll give me a good idea of the numbers involved in the convo. Could get quite messy though :)

Map and Directions
Thanks to cymatty, we have the following map of the route and some information about the meet...

Map of the route

Purple is the restraunt
Blue is a carpark suitable for pictures etc
Yellow is a suggested meetup place to maintain the group

cymatty said:
Ok so far the plan is to meet at the services then follow the m62 to junction 22, there we will come of and go for some food. Then the plan is to follow the road round to the yellow blob and stop at a pub to keep people together.

Everything needs to be finalised for 10am Saturday morning, so that the restaurant can be booked and final decisions made. If you will be attending, please make sure that you either post in this thread before Saturday morning, or can make it to the MSN conversion at 9:30pm tonight.
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At the moment I'm working 10am-3pm and then 5pm-8pm during the week, but could probably get an evening off from the 2nd job to attend the meet on a week night.

Weekend could be good though, especially Sunday, as there would hopefully be less traffic around and so more fun along country lanes. Of course, we could all stop off in the pub I work at for a nice lunch and a pint before setting off for a drive.
Dangerous said:
All these hidden manc's coming out of the woodwork :eek:

LMAO, I was thinking the same thing!

Glad to see there's quite a bit of interest in this.

Braeden, M62 could be fun ;) I've done many a 0-60 run along that :o

Right, so all that's left is to run up a list of attendee's and sort out a date. Sunday sounds good to me as well.

So, mid August or after the RR in September?
great advice, where do you live buddy? The A666 is right next to my house!

Sunday 14th sounds fine for me. If it's going to be that date, it'll need to be finalised soon so that I can book it off work. Shame worthy can't make Sundays :(
Sorry mate, totally forgot about OcUK being open in my taskbar :o

Hmmm, I say, if we can get 10 people to attend on the 14th then we go ahead with it. Any less than 10 and we consider changing the date. You said we have about 5 people who can attend on the 14th... if those people could e-mail me (in trust) to confirm that they can attend, I can then create a list in this thread :)
Yep, that's a good idea and I did plan to do that when I heard from people who were up for the meet. Lunch would be good I think. We could all meet up at a service station at 11am as said previously, go for a nice pub lunch and then go for a drive.

Does this sound good to you? I'm open to all suggestions :) It was your idea afterall.
Yep, that sounds good to me.

Like I said, it would be great to meet a few people before the RR, as at least you would know a few faces (if you're going of course). I know that pub lunches are always a hit at RR events, as you get to talk about the day ahead and plan prospective routes etc while being in a nice environment.

I know a couple of good pubs in Bury, but of course, that might be a bit far to go for a simple meal. I'm also happy to go with the majority of people on what they wish to do :)
:) Yep. Hopefully a Rover 214 that won't break down (bloody car, going picking up a new coolant temp sensor today).

Will be good to see how the VTR compares to the 214 though. Always wondered what the performance was like between both ;)
Hmmm, we're looking at 6-7 people attending so far.

That could be enough for a good meet, but we really need some people to say for definite. So if those people who are thinking of coming could find out for sure ASAP, that would be much appreciated :)

Heh, just how many french shoeboxes will there be? :p

Errr, there are quite a lot of places that we could go for lunch. The pub that I work in does good sunday meals, and are quite cheap too... although it may be a bit far to travel all the way down to Bury just for a meal.

I suppose we could grab a meal at a service station along the M62. We could then find a couple of nice routes on which to go for a drive. Any one have any ideas about a route?
paradigm said:
Yeah, but his will blow the HG just before the pub, our engines will run, just the rest of the car will be falling apart/not working

LMAO! :mad:


Firestar_3x, yep, 14th August seems like a good meeting date. Let's just hope the weather is good.

cymatty, first post updated mate :)
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Firestar_3x, I'm going to the RR. That's why I wanted this meet before the RR... get to know a few faces before hand.

The MSN idea would be a good one. When does everyone have a convo date in mind? I work most days 10am-3pm and then 5-8pm so anytimes apart from those are good for me.

cymatty, vids would be good mate. What roads did you have in mind?
andi, if you want to come up with me that would be fine mate.

I don't really want to drive up by myself anyway incase I get lost :eek: :D

cymatty, those roads look awesome! How many miles of road is there?
Firestar_3x said:
A drive is good but i aint driving like an idiot, stopped all that now since my last fun experience, so speed limit for me i'm afraid!

I don't think any of us are going to drive like idiots :)

I like to drive fast, but I'm not going to do anywhere near 3 figure speeds. If the limit is 60, I'll probably tootle along at 65-70mph depending on how much you can see ahead of you :)

Plan so far sounds good though. You know any places to eat on the way to the good roads cymatty?
cymatty said:
Hmmm depends on what people want to eat, there are lots of good places to eat on the way up but they are limited to pub restraunt types. :)

Nothing wrong with a nice pub lunch :) I don't know if I'll have a drink or not... it wouldn't feel right even having half a lager. Ah well, coke will always do.

Good idea about parking up and having a chat. I was going to bring my camera anyway, but now I've got an ever better reason to.
No it's fine cymatty. It's actually that you're planning the route etc, as it seems you know some good roads :) If I was left to it, we would spend half the day driving round to try and find a good road.

Firestar_3x, coke it is then ;) Oh, it's AGW btw :p :D
Yep, Friday is a good time for the MSN convo... maybe Saturday daytime could be better? More chance of people being able to come online at the same time.

I know it's really short notice, but at least people would know for definite if they could make it the next day, and the plans would be in peoples' heads for the following day.

Andrew :)

So Mark, should I put you down as a definite then?
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