Perfect comment!
For all the bickers that goes of for Nvidia vs AMD and these dumb features. I think Mantle is pretty damn good for a free boost for modern cards and it does present some interesting possibilities for the future, if they are used or not that is another question that needs to be answered. But does this instantly make AMD the better card? No, it just gives it that one extra pro when it comes to comparing a card. You should not be buying a card for Mantle though as it is a good year or so off before it becomes an actual benefit and not just a pro point when it comes to purchasing.
Its the same with Nvidia shadow play, for me that seems like a better feature as I would make more use out of streaming/video recording than I would have Mantle atm (I don't play much BF4). But it isn't a pro for me when it comes to buying a card as OBS and such do a better job for my needs.
Mantle should not sell cards and anyone who comments out of jealousy or buyers remorse of their card is just dumb. Every card has it pros and cons so just go and post about the pros and leave all the negative and comparison junk alone.
This is from someone who owns a 290 who thinks it is a decent card and Mantle does sound interesting in the future. I'm also not enjoying the reference cooler noise though which seems to be that tiny bit higher again with the 14.1 drivers compared to the previous 13 ones.
Agree with your post.
Now I am not going to argue how 10% is gathered, and assume it is correct for your setup and resolution, cpu etc. It is "a number" for JUST ONE GAME, and not going to discuss that game being designed Dx in mind or not and assume it is perfectly Mantle capable and optimized to fullest, and I am going to repeat this again, that perfectly correct number is JUST FOR ONE GAME ONLY.
Now I say that StarSwarm results are marginally higher knowing full well it is not a game alpha or anything, but its just a tech demo.
Now that makes two things running on Mantle giving huge difference in percentile gains. Third is on the way, Thief, and STILL it shouldn't be the deciding factor either.
Going into an alpha stage for an actual game, it is unknown what will they do about marginal differences;
1- They may do two version like game where Dx has classic motion blur, Mantle has cinematic motion blur etc.
2- Nerf the tech demo stuff and actually release a game, same settings and effects across Dx and Mantle, which btw they strongly go against it
3- Something I haven't come up with but they have.
All speculation for the actual game atm, but still you can't deny the huge gains, hugely different to 10% you mention.
Considering Mantle is still in early phase, BF4 may have just done CPU optimizations (SS too and nothing more added on top) but they may slowly make progress in GPU optimizations and make even much higher gains for games.
As above - I'm not saying the gains ARE 10% I'm saying that IF they were 10% then this wouldn't be that interesting to me personally. IF they are more then that would be something to potentially sway me.
It helps if you read my posts and not with the assumption that I'm anti-AMD from the off. The words I am typing are not saying what you are responding to.