Poll: Marmite or Bovril

Marmite or Bovril?

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Marmite every time. It's yeast based rather than beef based as with bovril. Vegemite is a poor third but at since it's not beef based (sfaik) it's suitable for vegetarians. All of them need to be used in moderation. I once had to eat a roti slathered in veggiemite. I nearly retched.
Pretty sure Bovril (Beef anyway) is suitable for vegetarians these days.
How does it work? Do you put the Marmite on the toast, then the beans? Or the beans with a glob of Marmite?
Marmite on toast, then beans on top. Anything else (like a sprinkle of cheese, or ketchup is your choice lol).

I like to cut the toast in half with 2 or 3 slices of bread, and arrange them in an overlapping circle, with the beans in the middle, and semi-covering the toast. Keeps the toast crunchier for longer. (an idea stolen from a friend twenty years ago)
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Bovril, clearly.

I bought this recently for regular hot beefy beverages.


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