Marvel Vs Capcom 3

I tried it a few times but didn't have much success with it, I should go to it more though. I have a few friends coming over tonight to get some AE and Marvel in so I'll probably be offline, if it's not too late by the time they go I'll be on. If not, I'll get more games on Thursday with you.
I tried it a few times but didn't have much success with it, I should go to it more though. I have a few friends coming over tonight to get some AE and Marvel in so I'll probably be offline, if it's not too late by the time they go I'll be on. If not, I'll get more games on Thursday with you.

you have to set it up. for example, do dash up s.l and tatsu assist at the same time (press light and assist at the same time) and cancel into berserker slash. the block stun should and retarded hit box should keep them on the ground and they forced to block the mix-up. even after that you are in position for a cr.l, berserker slash or throw mix-up. or instead of b. slash, you can do cr.l to go low or j.l for instant overhead.

another trick i like to use is call tatsu right outside of their normal range and bait them to jump so you can air throw into xfactor combo and kill.
Yeah I do a better job of setting up berserker slash + tatsu assist now, caught Hyv quite a few times with it the other night and the guys I play with offline also. Rinoa I'm in Tyrone, Northern Ireland.
TRON RUINS MY LIFE, MY GOD. Still trying to comprehend the fact I actually enjoy playing Hyv's top tier team but when he brought out Tron, Iron Man and Strange I started sweating bucketloads. Met a good Sakura player on AE and asked him if he played Marvel, turns out he does. He runs Tron, Frank West and She-Hulk. Did pretty well in the end up but the first couple of games were a nightmare, really scary in this game when you know nothing about a character I really need to do a bit of studying up.
thats a terrible team. tron's normals takes up a lot of space, but they have very slow start up. if he gets careless with her jumps and air dashes, you can air throw her 100%.

all her moves are unsafe without assist and easy to push block. just make sure you know when the assist is coming and she shouldnt be able to hit you.

she has fuzzy guard/command throw set ups up close, so make sure you get her off you if she is too close.

generally, wolverine can easily upback dive kick his way to a easy win and nova get easily grab tron out of all her moves.

btw, you wouldnt enjoy it so much if i bring out magneto/doom or morrigan/doom:)
Is this another new team? I've lost count how many you have now. I've played your Magneto before a ton of times I'm not that bothered by it, once I'm in I'm in. Art's Magneto makes me cringe though, seems like he can hit confirm off anything. I've never ever seen you use Doom or Morrigan before, you should next time we play though suppose it would be good to get some Morrigan knowledge under my belt.

EDIT - I feel like the best character I've ever seen you play was Dante, I have no idea why you dropped him.
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Based on playing both your Magnetos, I can't really agree with that sorry. I won't be online tonight, I'll be playing offline on Wednesday and Thursday then I have a local tournament on Friday so it will probably be the weekend before I get to play you again. I'll have to get you into a lobby with this guy I played, his team is pretty bad as you said but he does fairly well for what he's working with.
i can tell you since i played art like a million time, his magneto cant hurt you unless he has level 3 or you are in the corner and he has certain assists, whereas i can because i can do both the fly loop and magnetic blast combo.

also he can only hit you clean if you are on the ground and locked down by akuma unless you are in the corner where everything combo because magneto's h does lots of hit stun. i can actually do mid screen air confirms that he doesnt know with j.h dash magnetic blast or j.m, j.h. not bragging but i bet you didnt know that.

he has more consistent blocking and jumping around with magnetic blast, but i definitely have the better combo.
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My god I've really hurt your feelings about this, I'm just saying I've played both of you when you use Magneto and I feel more threatened by his. You can give me all the information you like but it's not going to change the way I feel about it, I'm not trying to insult you I'm sure there's plenty of characters you're much better with than Art is. Look at the bright side, you can use pretty much any character in the game because your execution is that good. I'm limited to derp characters because mine is terrible!
Vian has a better training mode Magneto than me for sure.

Lol I'm playing him now, and every time I do a regular magneto combo, he's pointing out how crap it is -.-
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It really seems like Drunzer has improved a lot from the last time we played..Well done!

Cheers man! =) I don't think I had been playing very long when you bopped me in the ocuk tournament, I actually took a few months away from fighting games and to my surprise I was a much better player when I came back in a few games not just Marvel. I still have a ton of things to work on, mainly match up knowledge. As I play offline mostly with only a small group of people who use the same team all the time it's difficult, as much as I hate online it's great to play guys like Hyv and Art who are pretty handy with a large number of the cast it really helps.
Vian has a better training mode Magneto than me for sure.

Lol I'm playing him now, and every time I do a regular magneto combo, he's pointing out how crap it is -.-

no hyper grav loop or magnetic blast = crap combo:)

i think today has proven my magneto is ass online and he is staying in training mode for good. my sentinel reverse ovced you a few times though. i think he earned his spot in my low tier tournament team
Me too. Have stayed away from online matches, and played offline with my friends, but with fixed teams. i can play half the cast though.

Now i'm going to be playing more online soon, when i get my better connection from bt soon.

if i'm gonna join that low tier competition, i'm gonna need a lot more practice.
Ugh....losing in this game hurts -_- I was at a local tournament last night I got 2nd place in AE and SCV but I really went for Marvel and I got knocked out of the 1st round by somebody I really should've beaten. I lost 3-2 and got happy birthdayed in each of the losses so I lost Akuma super early. Back to the grind =(
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