Marvel Vs Capcom 3

Why does wesker sometimes not teleport after qcf+MP > lp?

Also what is a simple doom mid screen combo for over 600 damage that can easily be done on a Vita pad.
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Why does wesker sometimes not teleport after qcf+MP > lp?

Also what is a simple mid screen combo for over 600 damage that can easily be done on a Vita pad.

In my experience the dash is much more consistent, after teleport the combo sometimes drops, also if you dash you stay on the same side making it much better for a corner carry.
I'm by no means an experienced marvel player so there might be other reasons but that's why I dash when I do combos with QCF+M.
Dash often doesn't reach. Here is what I'm doing:

CL CM H QCF+L teleport forward DFH CM H QCF+M forward teleport S sjc H Super

It's the second teleport that fails often, the first one never does... ever!
Why does wesker sometimes not teleport after qcf+MP > lp?

Also what is a simple mid screen combo for over 600 damage that can easily be done on a Vita pad.

there is a input window for that, the window for qcf l is much bigger than qcf m. i usually just mash it but dashing forward manually is much easier to do. if you are going to do the teleport one its better to do the h port so you can do the j.h xx gun loop for even more damage.

for your combo i would dash and do stand h because it reaches much further.
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This is about all fighting games I suppose but mostly MvC, at what point do you just accept that you're not a high execution player and stick to the low/med execution characters/combos? I have been playing fighting games since I was pretty young but properly now for about 2 years. Me and a few friends were playing the other day (I use a Wolverine/Nova/Akuma team) and a friend said I think Magneto would do your team wonders, the only thing that puts me off about Magneto is his health other than that I have always wanted to use him but even looking at his meaningful combos make my head hurt.

I tried practicing his combos for a few hours last night and they just don't click with me, I got a few hyper grav loops to go but it felt like such a task to do it and this is only in training mode against a dummy I can't imagine what this would be like against a live opponent. My execution has got a lot better since my break from fighting games but I'm still nowhere near doing Magneto's combos consistently. Do any of you know players that just aren't great at execution?
viscant:) he wont evo last year without doing anything special and all he did is pick a fraud friendly team.

magneto actually require some bits of execution to move around and get some air confirms. i would stick with the fly loop combo (which is easy to do), unfly into s.h hyper grab tempest without doing the loop if you cant do it.

wolverine, nova and akuma is a great team, a bit limited against heavy zoning but overall a strong easy team. i wouldnt change it if i was comfortable with it unless you want to learn some new characters.
It's a bit of both really. I was online the other day and seen a lot more Magneto/Doom teams than usual, probably because of EVO. Disruptor with missile assist can be pretty annoying, if I played patient I usually got in eventually with Wolvie but by the time I got there a large chunk of my life was gone from chip.
doesnt matter though. all that chip they done to you only gave you meter to kill them. as long as the character dont die, its ok to take some chip.

you need a beam assist to deal with missiles, or you have to stay on top of him with wolverine. just get close and pop them with akuma assist.

when are you back to play?
I've been playing pretty regularly offline with 3 local guys, AE and UMvC3. As much as I dislike online play I need to get on and play the likes of you who have a few different teams, just matchup knowledge really. What team are you playing with nowadays?
I want to start playing this a bit more now, just want to be able to hold my own in casuals tbh.
Can't decide who to put on point for my team, I've got ???/Dorm/Doom thinking about Mags Virgil Dante or Zero but ideally want someone who can corner carry in every combo ideally, any suggestions on who might work well for me?
spencer, vergil, strider:)

i hate online play, but no one i know is playing umvc3 and i dont have enough money to get down to london all the time:(

I have no Vergil experience because none of the local players here use him so that will be a baptism in fire I'm sure.

I want to start playing this a bit more now, just want to be able to hold my own in casuals tbh.
Can't decide who to put on point for my team, I've got ???/Dorm/Doom thinking about Mags Virgil Dante or Zero but ideally want someone who can corner carry in every combo ideally, any suggestions on who might work well for me?

Kenny I think Magneto would be a great addition to that team, I don't have a lot of Vergil experience but I think he would do fine on that team too.
a lot of characters can do corner to corner combo, although some requires assists. with dorm and doom, if you launch with hidden missiles called at the same time, you can do a basic mmhs combo and the missile will otg and let you get a easy relaunch. basically anyone that can do relaunch can do corner to corner.

zero is the best character and has easy corner to corner combo. but the lightning loop need some practice. wesker can also do corner to corner combo with qcf l, teleport forward and otg with assist and launch.

spencer can do corner to corner combo solo and deals well over 800k with missiles. with dorm and doom assist dont do that much for him, missiles can help him maul someone but he cant protect the missiles well. magneto can also do almost corner to corner solo, but you get no damage if you dont end with hyper grab into tempest. modok probably has the easiest corner to corner combo, but he is a hard character to play.

vergil dont really have a corner to corner combo, but he doesnt need it since his s.h hits half screen and he is the second best in the game, untouchable with meter. you will have to learn some set-ups and mix-ups with him to be effective.

dante also dont have any corner to corner combo, but he is still a strong point and assist character. you have to learn his basic bold cancel bnb to be effective, since his old easy relaunch combo dont work anymore.

i would say if you are going to practice more, i would play someone like zero and dante. but if you dont play that much and still wants to be effective then wesker, nova is your man

vergil is kind of in between since he can play really dumb and be good with just teleport and assists. but some of his stuff is unsafe and the sword loop need some practice.
ggs Hyv and Art, I enjoyed that. Need to get playing you guys more often, need more experience against Zero and Vergil there are no ppl here that use them locally. Zero with tatsu assist is too good O_O
Tatsu assist is good with all 'teleport' moves. Teleports, zero's teleport dash, berserker slash.
You should try some tatsu assist + berserker slash to the other side, and see what you think.
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