Yup, hoping it goes the same way. First few eps being bit dull but setting characters up leading to much better episodes.
I agree to some degree however, and maybe this is just IMO, that any of these shows you have to suspend any logic. However I don't actually know what would happen with the dingy - under the conditions when the the hole was blown in the side of the plane then yes it would have been stupid however by the time the dingy was used the plane would have been depressurised and it was in a dive during the period. So with a much lower pressure difference between inside and outside of the plane would it get sucked out? I still think it would however it becomes more 'i think so' or 'probably would' instead of a plain statement of fact of 'that wouldn't work'
Ah but would the guy be being sucked out of the plane then if the pressure had gone? I would assume the suction via pressure difference alone is a mere second or two max, the rest of the suction effect is from the vaccuum of several hundred mile and hour air being shot past a hole. Less than the instant pressure change of that happens when the hole is made, obviously still enough to suck the guy towards the hole and more than enough to pull a weak ass flexible dingy out the hole.
Either way, a lot of people say the suspend logic thing, but its a thing that just gets said a lot and makes no sense. YOu can't comprehend, compare or even enjoy a film with no logic or common sense used. Basically every story ever told makes the basic assumption that you are on earth as we all understand it, if it has any changes these are detailed, every book I've read, tv shows, films(I should state, everything from meh to brilliant, not the terrible ones) point out the differences.
Again think about the scene, if the pressure /suction/vaccuum isn't based on our reality... then where is the danger from blowing a hole in the side of the plane. The entire reason we can even comprehend that a hole in the side of a plane is bad, and don't question people being sucked out is because we completely expect that plane to react as it would in our world if it really happened. Again this is just grounded in our reality, the beginning of the action makes no sense if this isn't true, and thus this needs to still be true at the end of the action sequence, otherwise there is zero continuity. You can't start a scene in one reality and finish it in another....... unless of course its a story in which you actually have changed to another reality

But again, in any story you've ever heard of that happening... it's explained to you, otherwise the same lack of continuity would make the story stupid.
The thing is, and this is what's dumb, if they had the scientist through some "tech" at the hole, some kind of I dunno webbing which afterwards they explain "hey we replicated this from a sample of Spidey's web and threw in a bit of tech to lock on and plug holes... awesome". See we already know from Spiderman the web is super strong, and could catch a person, and you could make a joke where they've landed and he's still stuck on the web and they are laughing and he's begging for them to help him out.... see I just rewrote it funnier, and better and to fit into the Marvel Universe and the show.
It's pretty easy to write something that works, I came up with a workable easy quick alternative that might actually make the scientist relevant, if it's something you've not seen, explain it, you can't just do something everyone knows wouldn't work and ignore it, it's lazy. I highlighted it because it tells a lot about the show, everything about the show has been lazy so far.
It's really pointless discussing it with him, any time anyone calls him out he just posts more words and ISOLATED CAPITALIZED WORDS. It's clear he has an agenda against the show, I'm not sure why he is bothering to watch it.
I have an agenda? How deep does this conspiracy theory go... why am I bothering watching it.... is this the 12th episode in the 6th series? Or is it the second damn episode and I gave it more than one episode to see if it improved. Half the responses on here are summed up "it's **** but I'll give it a few episodes".
But I'm the odd one out for watching the second episode.........
Well rather than debate it or talk about it, just do the fairly childish thing of questioning why I'd watch it.