*** Mass Effect 3 ***

Can someone please just explain the ******** that is that kid to me.

Nope, can't do that, sorry, just take it on faith that in the last 5 mins of the game an entirely new, unheard of before major character has magically appeared, plucked no doubt from IM's bum, to lay claim to the reapers & say HA HA fooled you, it was me all along. m'kay?.
Nope, can't do that, sorry, just take it on faith that in the last 5 mins of the game an entirely new, unheard of before major character has magically appeared, plucked no doubt from IM's bum, to lay claim to the reapers & say HA HA fooled you, it was me all along. m'kay?.

Would if we could.

Isn't that the same kid you see at the start of the game, who dies, you then see in nightmares and everything, is it supposed to be a hallucination or some ****? What a ****ing dumb ending.
Isn't that the same kid you see at the start of the game, who dies, you then see in nightmares and everything, is it supposed to be a hallucination or some ****? What a ****ing dumb ending.

Lots of speculation for everyone. Thanks Bioware >.>
Can someone please just explain the ******** that is that kid to me.

Space magic and lots of speculation from everyone.

Job done Bioware:)

Or if you want a more detailed explanation of what he says-

Bring down the sky has references in ME3. No idea about pinnacle station other than it being on the galaxy map in ME3.
Ha. IGN trying to wriggle out of the hole they made now:rolleyes:

They are even talking about the possibility of the indoctrination theory being true and picking out plotholes from the ending:rolleyes::rolleyes:

Somebody at EA has obviously told them to stop alienating Mass Effect fans

:confused: They are actually ripping the ending to pieces now:confused::confused:....the plot thickens

The whole IGN vs Forbes episode had been fascinating.
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Ah finally finished this for myself now! About time.

As for how I felt after the ending? Well I'd say the best word is relief - I'm free from being emotionally tied into the story, after 5 years! ;)

More thoughts on the ending, including spoilers:
Of course I had read about and formed my own opinion on the ending before even having played it - very difficult to avoid spoilers on this unless you abstain from the internet. But now that I've played it myself:

8/10 for artistic license. The scene with Shepard sitting beside Anderson, and Anderson dying was incredibly moving.
Even Shepard throwing herself into the beam (I chose synthesis) was beautifully done.

My problem lies solely in the Catalyst's logic, and the subsequent lack of choice. It is messed up.
And the two other inconsistencies being the Normandy flying away and crashing on the jungle world (why/how???), and the Stargazer (although they get points for Buzz Aldrin being the voice there :))

So yeah. Absolutely stellar game. Story was weak, but let's face it NONE of the three games has had a particularly strong story (even ME1) - the driving force is pretty much down to the characters.

Also, ME2's "digression" left very little room for ME3 to manoeuvre, story wise, so I think Bioware have done a great job with managing to fit in everything they have.

Overall, job well done Bioware. :)
Don't worry Curunen. It is not over yet;)

btw, you know synthesis is supposedly the worst ending- it was Saren's goal in ME1!

Hah, yeah you can bet I'm keeping up to date with any developments on ending solutions/content. :D

Well all the choices were meh. Control is **** - I don't believe in TIM's ideals.

In hidsight I should have gone with destroy, because I didn't realise the relays blow up in synthesis as well... :/

But we'll see what happens in the next few weeks.
The only thing that you can take from the endings as they are, is that the space-wizard-kid is talking utter nonsense!

I also picked synthesis btw, I honestly had no idea what was going on and just walked towards the beam!
I blame ME2 partly (well quite a lot) for wasting time and not developing the core plot enough.
The crucible should have been uncovered by the end of ME2 (because that's even more unbelievable than the Catalyst in some ways), leaving plenty of time in ME3 to go into detail about reaper origins and beings of light - although I think this Starchild isn't a "being of light" as was alluded to in ME1. I think those would have been something like the ascended beings in Stargate, or Q in star trek.

In fact is it ever referred to as an AI? Not sure what it is now come to think of it. "confused"
when talking about the reapers, it says "we".....

The crucible is a deus ex machina in a way, however I never expected Shepard to just headbutt the reapers to death, so some kind of superweapon so not the worst thing ever, i can live with it. The thing that annoys me is the blind faith and effort put in to making a device that they have no idea how it works or what it is, which interacts with something(the catalyst) which NOBODY has any idea exists!

My favourite moment (maybe in gaming history actually)-

that line killed me:(
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Ha. IGN trying to wriggle out of the hole they made now:rolleyes:

They are even talking about the possibility of the indoctrination theory being true and picking out plotholes from the ending:rolleyes::rolleyes:

Somebody at EA has obviously told them to stop alienating Mass Effect fans

:confused: They are actually ripping the ending to pieces now:confused::confused:....the plot thickens

The whole IGN vs Forbes episode had been fascinating.

The Mass Effect 3 Spoilercast I take it? Was pretty interesting. Theres a lot of hate out there for the "ending".
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