*** Mass Effect 3 ***

It is a bit silly. I try not to think of it too much - as I said the core story is pretty weak. :/

The music and execution is what makes this game great. That and the characters - the character dialogue and interaction is the absolute best part of ME3.
The Mass Effect 3 Spoilercast I take it? Was pretty interesting. Theres a lot of hate out there for the "ending".

Over the last week IGN has been vigorously defending the ending and calling people who are asking for a change "entitled" and generally abusing them. In their livecast this evening they have COMPLETELY changed position and started rubbishing the ending and almost supporting those calling for a new ending. They even spoke positively of the indoctrination theory:eek:

They finally see that abusing their potential readers is not the best idea, maybe EA/Bioware told them not to......or maybe they gave them some information which made them change their position.......;)

^^ I absolutely loved the game, apart form the last 5 minutes, that is why I am so upset. There were so many great moments all through. I can forgive loads of stuff in this game. But to see all the work you put in basically come to nothing was just unbelievably bad.
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Don't worry Curunen. It is not over yet;)

btw, you know synthesis is supposedly the worst ending- it was Saren's goal in ME1!

Think as far as Bioware is concerned, synthesis is the best ending. It only unlocks with high enough EMS, it also doesn't wipe out the geth (assuming they are still around in your game) and doesn't make you do what your enemy wanted you to do (control). Problem is, its also the most "wtf" ending with its logic....great, turn everyone into cyborgs somehow means synthetic life won't destroy organic life any more :confused:
What stops the new flanged cyborgs making fully synthetic life again in the future.
Biggest problem with synthesis-

BioWare- who's games have always promoted diversity(gay romances. all species getting along etc). Their solution seems to be turn everyone in to the same being completely destroying diversity. This is one of the series main themes(maybe not major themes I grant you). This is also what the reapers were trying to do.

Synthesis is the most evil ending they could possibly make!

Plus it totally takes away every being in the galaxies free will!!!
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Biggest problem with synthesis-

BioWare- who's games have always promoted diversity(gay romances. all species getting along etc). Their solution seems to be turn everyone in to the same being completely destroying diversity. This is one of the series main themes(maybe not major themes I grant you). This is also what the reapers were trying to do.

Synthesis is the most evil ending they could possibly make!

It kind of shows just what a stupid option it is, like you've said, it doesn't actually solve the 'problem' the space wizard child is apparently stopping
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When does he say that? I don't recall it on any of my play-throughs so far.

there are specific thins you have to say. Spine-tingling moment. The only time he ever refers to himself in 1st person, the only time he admits he is wrong. Amazing moment. I just stared at the screen for a minute.

iirc, when he sees the shroud is not working, you tell him that it has been sabotaged, then he says something like "you must have known" to which you reply "I need the Salarians". then you get it. Also I think you have to keep quiet about the Salarian leader guy asking you to sabotage it up to that point.

here is the vid if you want to watch it-

iirc, when he sees the shroud is not working, you tell him that it has been sabotaged, then he says something like "you must have known" to which you reply "I need the Salarians". then you get it. Also I think you have to keep quiet about the Salarian leader guy asking you to sabotage it up to that point.

Why would you do that to the guy?!
I told him straight away
Why would you do that to the guy?!
I told him straight away
I kept it to myself until that moment.

You don't have to go full renegade. After that point you can still choose to cure the genophage and you don't have to kill Mordin

I couldn't imagine playing renegade and killing Wrex and Mordin in that mission:eek::mad:
I actually paniced at the end of the Quarian/Geth thing as i knew there was a way to make peace between them but had no idea what was needed. Then the options come up and you only get 2 choices, side with geth or side with quarians.
Took a good few minutes for me buck up and choose one, thankfully the paragon/renegade options came up in the next choice.

So much epicness in the majority of the game, just adds to the "wtf" around the ending mess :(
Oh I was welling up at Legions death as well. I got the 'good' one as well. It was only when I got back to the Normandy though, and EDI says that Legion referred to himself as "I" that it really got to me:(

There are so many truly brilliant moments in this game

that is why it makes the ending so hard to fathom

btw, I am back on board with the indoctrination theory now, after seeing IGN and Forbes write in favour of it. I think they have been tipped off. The Forbes article in particular makes a good point about all endings being very similar for the exact purpose of being able to pick up from there later on.
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Why would you do that to the guy?!
I told him straight away

I didn't tell him until the end in my playthrough as I wasn't sure if I wanted to cure it. Up until that point throughout the trilogy I was convinced I would cure the gen at the first option but the salarian actually made me doubt myself. When you see the Krogan army I wasn't sure it was a good idea to unleash them on the galaxy, could I save the galaxy from the reapers to only have it destroyed by the Krogan? I didn't know if wrex would keep control and he was the only Krogan I trusted, in the end I choose to take the risk but that's what I love about bioware games no choice is easy.
I've played many games, I'm usually right at home playing MP hardcore Cod4/5/BlackOps, but I have to say, Mass effect 3 is the best game I have ever played, having played the whole series, epicness at the ending, it just "fits". I started over again as a Sentinal rather than a Soldier like I have done over the whole series, it's different again.

Plus, how many games can you choose to play as a hot, fit cougar?

heh, in my game Tali threw herself off the cliff after I let the Geth live! I never did get to see her face. Might give it another play through in a few weeks.
Think as far as Bioware is concerned, synthesis is the best ending. It only unlocks with high enough EMS, it also doesn't wipe out the geth (assuming they are still around in your game) and doesn't make you do what your enemy wanted you to do (control). Problem is, its also the most "wtf" ending with its logic....great, turn everyone into cyborgs somehow means synthetic life won't destroy organic life any more :confused:
What stops the new flanged cyborgs making fully synthetic life again in the future.

Sounds like BSG! :p
That ending makes more sense and gives more closure than the current one.

My canon ending is this- After Shepard gets hit by Harbigner, I turn the game off and "Speculate" my own ending-

Just as Shepard is about to enter the beam, to go up to the Citadel, Harbinger lands just behind:

Harbinger- "Yo dawg! I heard you don't wanna be killed by synthetics, so we created synthetics to kill you all every 50000 years so you won't have to be killed by synthetics" ....."oh and don't forget to but some dlc"

Shepard- "ok if you say so, just tell me what to do and I will do it"

Harbinger- "Pick a colour, any colour, but it must be red, blue or green"

Shepard- "Green please"

Earth, the mass relays and the Citadel explode. Then it cuts to a scene of Liara, ~Udina and Conrad Verner playing Volleyball on the Citadel

Credits roll and we see a scene of Marauder shield advertising "Take Back Omega for only $25"

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