*** Mass Effect 3 ***

I got more:


I'm trying to find a cartoon of the ending where Tali commits suicide because there's no dextro food for her...damn it's a real PITA. :(

EDIT: Found this though

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Since the majority of the stuff in that multiplayer DLC is locked behind random loot boxes I'd use the term "free" rather loosely :p
I haven't even played MP, so I don't really know anything about it.

I'm about half way through ME now. I was hoping for some news about changing the ending to come whilst I was playing ME1 or 2, I think that just the prospect of it being changed would have made replaying ME3 possible. But now that it is out of the window, I might just finish at ME2.
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So the Batarian solder and asari justicar image was real.

>Playing Batarian
>Human teammate goes down
>Kill his attacker and make my way over to him
>Stand over his body
>"You are a blight."
>lets him bleed out
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I am starting to wonder what the big announcement is going to be. We have already had the clarification ending, and the mp dlc. That only really leaves 'Take Back Omega'
I'm convinced the damn crowd was vetted & question primed, deeply, deeply dissapointing...

Without a doubt. I would usually dismiss this sort of claim outright, but the questions they asked were ridiculous.- "What happened to the people on the Citadel?" .....WE ALREADY NEW THAT!!

And that was the best question!
Found this gem on the Bioware forums: http://shannon.users.sonic.net/masseffect/

Just fill in the form and enjoy. Still work in progress i think so some choices might not work but it's worth a try :)
Well that's better than anything else I've seen.

At least both the SP and MP DLCs will be free, so no hesitation to try them.

But they've butchered their universe, so after that I'm not interested other than future titles being "good games".
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