*** Mass Effect 3 ***

After completing the game (and then seeing the other ending options on Youtube) I am not really sure what all the fuss is about. The ending was fine and was about par for the (not really brilliant) writing that has been there throughout the game.
After completing the game (and then seeing the other ending options on Youtube) I am not really sure what all the fuss is about. The ending was fine and was about par for the (not really brilliant) writing that has been there throughout the game.

It renders everything you've done throughout three games pointless. There's no variation depending on any of the important choices you make, or anything you've accomplished. Not to mention, you've spent all this time building a galactic alliance, and it's just unceremoniously destroyed.

Also it doesn't make any sense.
Why did Joker fly away in Shepard's moment of need? Where did this holographic boy-thing which has not ever been referred to, mentioned, or even foreshadowed come from? Why does it take the form of that stupid kid Shepard has been obsessing over? Why doesn't Shepard at least try to argue the point that, actually, synthetics don't have to kill organics because he/she just forged an alliance between the geth and quarians. If the reapers are worried about synthetics killing organics, why are they, synthetic creatures as they are, killing organics?

Seriously, the ending would be greatly improved if they cut the star-child bit out completely; just finish the conversation with Anderson, and it cuts to the Destroy ending. No bratty AI kid telling you you only have three crappy options, no Joker abandoning his post for no reason, no destroying the mass relays or the citadel.

Also, I don't get your meaning about the writing not being brilliant, because for the most part it was. It just completely lost cohesion at the end.
Also, I don't get your meaning about the writing not being brilliant, because for the most part it was. It just completely lost cohesion at the end.

I just thought the writing was mostly medicore but then I read plenty of decent sci-fi (Banks, Hamilton et al) and in comparison the writing in Mass Effect is OK but nothing special.

Your choices do matter, they just don't matter for the final conlcusion, they have an impact on the story getting to the final conclusion however. Which I feel is somewhat of an improvement over ME2 where depending on where every single decision seemed to have an almost arbitary impact on the final mission.
Well I finished the game, but not having indulged in multiplayer I only got two out of the three choices (very Deus Ex'ish). I actually didn't feel as bad about the outcome as all the publicity led me to believe. Bittersweet perhaps and it did feel they were finishing a story rather than just a game.

I guess it's similar to the end of LOTR in that the victor does not get to necessarily enjoy the end result. In some ways it made sense too, if you checked the various terminals during the Cerberus base missions, there were enough hints to indicate that Shepard wasn't, erm, really Shepard any more even down to the thought patterns, but an artificial re-creation. So in a way, merging with the machine at the end kind of made sense.

What didn't make sense perhaps was sending the galaxy back to the Stone Age. Millions of different species stranded on alien worlds light years from home with presumably no way of getting back, with the gates gone.

What actually rankled more was what seemed to be the insane rush to get to the ending, resulted in quite a short game. Side missions relegated to scan and find, with the silly Pacman style evasion of Reapers on the 2D map. The COD/Crysisification of many of the missions not to mention somewhat lazy padding, throw in a few Banshees or Brutes to make them replay it a few times. At times I was thinking this really should have been the mooted movie, not the third game.

Anyway I'll probably return and have another play through later in the year, starting at the beginning again in ME1.
I am yet to see the "sweet" part of the supposed bittersweet ending ....especially with synthesis!

Ever seen Gladiator? ...THAT was a bittersweet ending.
Mordin and Legions deaths were bittersweet, the ME3 ending was just bitter imo(and unnecessarily confusing).

btw, I have played it twice now and the second time I struggled to where you get hit by the beam and then I let our hero put me out of my misery

PS. Anyone see the cut dialogue from the final mission which has characters like Jack and the Geth talking....suggesting that they were always planned to be part of a final battle. Pathetic!
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Getting quite annoyed with the single key-does-all function. My character just keep covering in the wrong places or when i don't want him to. It's spoiling the whole experience and ME3 is a step back ward on ME2. Why would they make such a significant oversight - What a great shame :(
Why would they make such a significant oversight

Because consoles don't have as many buttons as a pc keyboard.

Your average casual-console-gamer would have a hissy fit if they had to actually read a manual before playing a game.

That's far, far too much effort. They'd need to get off the couch to find the box first :p
Getting quite annoyed with the single key-does-all function. My character just keep covering in the wrong places or when i don't want him to. It's spoiling the whole experience and ME3 is a step back ward on ME2. Why would they make such a significant oversight - What a great shame :(

Have you tried a quick double tap on the spacebar when you want to jump over a rock or wall or to get on a raised platform. I don`t play MP, but assume the key bindings are the same.
Run towards the cover you want to jump, then double tap and you slide over the cover. Saved my ass a few times.:D
I've just started Mass Effect 3, already disappointed, making Anderson a council member was/is pointless since he's now on Earth, not being a councillor.
Also, after Arrival and Cerberus's influence etc, how the hell do you get to the start of Mass Effect 3 from that?
I've just started Mass Effect 3, already disappointed, making Anderson a council member was/is pointless since he's now on Earth, not being a councillor.
Also, after Arrival and Cerberus's influence etc, how the hell do you get to the start of Mass Effect 3 from that?

Shepard has been grounded for ~6 months following the events of Arrival
So much of the narrative is incredibly badly executed, some might say cynical.

-You want to know why Udina is now councillor....its in one of the novels, $10!
-Want to know what happened to Emily Wong? ....read the twitter feed, she was killed off on Twitter.
-Want to know what happened to ****, Bailley, Zaeed, everyone on the Citadel, again we were told through Twitter

I am not making this up sadly:(
So much of the narrative is incredibly badly executed, some might say cynical.

-You want to know why Udina is now councillor....its in one of the novels, $10!
-Want to know what happened to Emily Wong? ....read the twitter feed, she was killed off on Twitter.
-Want to know what happened to ****, Bailley, Zaeed, everyone on the Citadel, again we were told through Twitter

I am not making this up sadly:(

And sadly people praise this game.
I'm not saying it's a "bad" game, but it's not what it should have been, a lot of options are pointless. Playing the renegade seems to set you up as a fail on ME3.

Also, I was max renegade on ME1 and ME2, always imported my save, why the hell do I start ME3 with a higher paragon then renegade?
Proper winds me up.
For all the gripes, there are still some really epic moments in the game though.

It is just very disappointing that so many corners were cut, the lack of exploratory dialogue is unforgivable, as is killing off characters via twitter imo. (and that is without the ending and day-one dlc).
For all the gripes, there are still some really epic moments in the game though.

It is just very disappointing that so many corners were cut, the lack of exploratory dialogue is unforgivable, as is killing off characters via twitter imo. (and that is without the ending and day-one dlc).

And that's enough to warrant an AAA game in the type of light Mass Effect 3 has?
I completely and utterly despise EA. Any franchise they have any sort of link to, they utterly and completely destroy it and they're only the damn publisher.
And that's enough to warrant an AAA game in the type of light Mass Effect 3 has?
I completely and utterly despise EA. Any franchise they have any sort of link to, they utterly and completely destroy it and they're only the damn publisher.

No, it's not, nor did he say that it was.
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